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The Passing of Esteemed Professor Maria Teresa Turell,President of IAFL: She Will Be Missed
2013-04-30 18:54 flyy 


 悼念国际法律语言学家协会主席Maria Teresa Turell 教授逝世


    We deeply regret to hear of the passing of esteemed professor, Maria Teresa Turellpresident of the International Association of Forensic Linguistics (IAFL). Professor Turell has been so keen to promote the cause of IAFL and the worldwide development of forensic linguistics. It is due to her inspiration that the relationship between IAFL and CAFL has been further developed.

    我们对尊敬的Maria Teresa Turell教授,国际法律语言学家协会主席的逝世表示深深的悼念。Turell教授曾致力于推进国际法律语言学协会工作及法律语言学在世界范围的发展,正是由于Turell教授的努力,国际法律语言学协会和中国法律语言学研究会的联系得到进一步加强。


China Association of Forensic Linguistics


April 262013

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