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2014年07月21日 乐思伟 


ß         两国或多国的对比研究

ß         以本国为例的个案研究

ß         以单一国家为例的综述研究


ß         In Haru Yamada’s work on the differences between Japanese and US meetings (1990; 1992; 2002), it provides a detailed account of the crucial difference between the two cultures involved and the rhetorical action that each group is trying to achieve in a meeting situation. The Japanese, for instance, use the meeting in order to exchange opinions, whereas the Americans use a meeting to come to a decision.

ß         Bargiela-Chiappini and Harris(1997a)’ investigation of British  and Italian business meetings includes both a crosscultural analysis of the structural and pragmatic properties of British and Italian business meetings respectively, as well as an intercultural study of the specific meetings that took place in an Anglo-Italian joint venture

ß         The contrastive study of business letter writing in English, French and Japanese by Susan Jenkins and John Hinds (1987)

ß         The study of requests in British, American and Finnish business correspondence by Hilkka Yli-Jokipii (1994),

ß         Mohammed Al-Ali (2004) used genre analysis to identify and describe the main components and rhetorical strategies used by Arabic and English writers to articulate the same communicative purpose, i.e. to elicit a call for a job interview.

ß         contrastive studies of Chinese/Australian management discourse (Yeung, 2000; 2003; 2004a; 2004b)


ß         Mirjaliisa Lampi(1986’s multilevel, micro-analytical discourse analysis of British business negotiations. The discourse features that contribute to perceived  strategy in negotiation are the focus of Lampi’s study, hence her approach concentrates on ‘levels of discoursality’: acts, moves, exchanges and phases, all converging to form a negotiation ‘encounter’.

ß         In Boden’s study of meetings(The Business of Talk. Organizations in Action,1994) in the United States, It provides a detailed and singular account of how organizations bring about action  through the business of talk. Boden shows how the talk is influenced or shaped by the organization, i.e. the social context, and that an organization is in turn influenced or shaped by the talk that takes place within it. Monolingual studies of Chinese management discourse (Yeung,  1997; 1998) Business communication in South America (e.g. Barbara, Celani, Collins& Scott, 1996; Thatcher 2000a; dos Santos Pinto, 2002; Conaway &Wardrope, 2004)


ß         Cantonese(Yeung, 1997; 1998 ),

ß          Putonghua (Pan, 1994; Li Wei, Zhu Hua & Li Yue,2001; Li, 1999)

ß          Japanese (Emmett, 2003,Bargiela-Chiappini & Gotti, 2005; Bargiela-Chiappini, 2005a; Bargiela-Chiappini, 2006).


ß         Business English in Asia (The Handbook of English for Specific Purposes) by Francesca Bargiela-Chiappini and Zuocheng Zhang :

ß         Business English in Japan: Business English is equivalent to business communication. Business communication is about the formation of a relationship.

ß         Business English in China: instituationalized development of Business English with the creation of new degree programs tailored to the needs of business. Research is limited and often inspired by pedagogic issues.

ß         Field: Organizational context: institution

ß         Mode: Written, oral, language type

ß         Tenor: gender, power,


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