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法律语言学国际学术研讨会 暨中国法律语言学研究会年会 (中国·广州 2008年11月7-8日) |

2008年11月6日 (星期四)
9:00-21:00 报到
2008年11月7日 (星期五)
l 开幕式
l 主旨发言
8:30-9:10 开幕式(主持人:杜金榜 教授)
广东外语外贸大学领导 致欢迎辞
外国语言学及应用语言学中心主任 致辞
9:10-9:55 主旨发言(主持人:吴伟平 教授)
Malcolm Coulthard教授
9:55-10:15 集体照相、茶休
10:15-11:00 主旨发言(主持人:沙丽金 教授)
Roger W. Shuy教授
11:00-11:45 主旨发言(主持人:余素青 博士)
Vijay Bhatia教授
11:50 午餐(清雅园三楼)
l 2:00-5:15 分组发言
l 3:20-3:40 茶休 (第一教学楼演示厅走廊内)
第一组:Room 201(主持: 白焕然 马莉)
吴伟平 |
语用学框架与法律语篇——论两个职业之间的联系 |
刘蔚铭 |
语言证据范畴下的法律语言学研究 |
袁瑛 |
侦查语言学研究对象的刍议 |
冯占省 |
语言法律本体论——浅析法律语言学的理论基础 |
Richard Powell and Azirah Hashim |
矛盾解决过程中的语言策略和语码选择——对抗性语境和仲裁性语境的比较 |
马莉 |
关于元认知阅读策略与法律公文的信息解码 |
范鹏 |
侦探和权威证人——浅谈语言学家的另类身份 |
关成勇 |
刑事庭审中控辩双方与被告的问答研究——介入系统角度的分析 |
彭春芳 白焕然 |
规范性法律文件中的“和”与“或者”——以《中华人民共和国刑法》为例 |
陈金诗 |
庭审中法官话语信息的迁移性框架 |
周祝一 |
记言性司法笔录的语言技术 |
苏建华 |
从法律的视角分析法律英语词汇的含义及翻译 |
徐君君 |
法官话语对庭审信息流动的作用研究 |
第二组:Room 202(主持:李诗芳 黄萍)
Oladipo Samson |
法律语篇分析 |
Virgínia Colares |
经由专家的语言解析——老师组织下公共考试的语篇算子 |
杜金榜 |
法律语篇中信息的动态变化 |
王亮 |
立法语言的模糊性功能探析 |
张刚 |
法律修辞模式在庭审话语中的运用 |
潘小珏 |
过程控制在刑事庭审问答中的人际 |
葛云锋 |
法庭问话中的话题控制与信息获取 |
李诗芳 |
中国刑事法庭话语中言语功能的人际意义分析 |
余素青 |
法庭言语的制度性话语特征研究 |
胡姝雯 |
控辩双方对何事实信息的处理差异 |
黄萍 |
中国侦查讯问话语的对应结构研究 |
郭圆圆 何岑成 |
数量原则和关系原则在法律文章汉译英中的应用 |
朱丽芳 |
法律文本中的句法问题 |
李海燕 |
测试在法律英语教学中的应用研究 |
第三组:Room 222 (主持:屈文生 张鲁平)
Andrew Kay-fan Cheung |
法庭口译员的身份危机——机械的机器人还是人际交流者? |
杨焯 |
法律翻译的共时性和历时性研究 |
杜碧玉 |
关于完善中国法庭口译制度的思考 |
刘辅兰 |
法律英语特征及误译分析 |
潘苏悦 |
汉语法律语言中“四字结构”的特点及其英译策略 |
吴伟萍 |
国际商务法律文献翻译的对等 |
余蕾 |
功能主义翻译类型学模式下法律翻译研究初探 |
张鲁平 |
立法表述中特定的语句的翻译规范性研究—— “的”字短语英译策略 |
冯海霞 |
规范性法律语篇中互文符号的翻译研究 |
刘秀明 |
翻译法律术语要“咬文嚼字” |
屈文生 |
“译”路梨花处处开——评Susan Šarčević 的《法律翻译新探》及其在中国的影响 |
曹嬿 |
论政法类院校英语专业法庭口译课程设置 |
王晔 |
实践中法律语言翻译的程序及标准 |
徐优平 |
法院调解中的说服研究 |
第四组:Room 216(主持:刘愫贞 莫敏)
刘愫贞 |
“礼”与法律语言的准模糊语词 |
张新红 |
论法庭口译的本质属性 |
莫敏 |
试论法官的庭审语言对消除模糊性的影响 |
魏新华 |
从语用角度看法律语言模糊限制语 |
杨凤仙 |
对刑法中“可以”一词的语义分析 |
陈文玲 |
法庭辩论中的礼貌策略与说服 |
李婷婷 |
中国警察讯问中的礼貌语言——顺应论角度的研究 |
童珊 |
合作原则的违背与法庭话语分析 |
潘丽 |
从庭审话语信息流动角度看法庭言语行为 |
杨方应 |
警察对证人询问的批评性话语分析 |
徐章宏 江玮欣 |
律师辩护代理(辩护)词据实性的语用研究 |
钟彩顺 |
‘原告(被告)有无异议?’——庭审中法官多重认同研究 |
5:40 晚餐
2008年11月8日 星期六
l 8:30-11:50 分组发言
l 10:00-10:20 茶休
第一组:Room 201(主持: 赵亮 袁婷)
Mamoru Tsuda & Tomoko Sekiguchi |
日本研究生院法律口译和笔译教学材料的发展 |
韩永红 |
试论法律英语教学的定位 |
郝轶君 |
法律专业研究生日语教学的探索—以判例法教学为中心 |
潘立春 |
结合网络课堂提升法律英语教学 |
王洁 |
立法语言规范化研究关注的三个层面 |
王欣 |
法律英语教学的实证研究 |
袁婷 |
法律英语术语教学新论 |
赵亮 |
对法律英语课程设置的几点思考 |
张纯辉 |
法律英语教学研究 |
闫可卓 |
国内法律外语教学模式比较研究 |
沙丽金 |
论法律英语教学的主要目标及其实现 |
张丹 |
庭审过程中的“意向含意” |
黄永平 |
刑事庭审中律师叙事结构的特点对信息流动的影响 |
第二组:Room 202 (主持:肖云枢 董晓波)
Cristina Onesti |
意大利语法律语料库的建设 |
刘世平 |
合同英语成语介词的使用特点——一项基于语料库的研究 |
李华毅 |
庭审答话中的多余信息 |
王勍 |
刑事案件庭审语篇中问话的预设 |
肖云枢 |
法律英语中subject to的用法 |
闻兴媛 |
公安办证类实用英语口语的功能研究 |
吴苌弘 |
语言符号对于法律确定性的影响 |
武巧芳 |
论法律语言的模糊性 |
张清 |
辩护词的语言规范探索 |
黄春芳 |
法庭话语中律师对证人证言的控制——词汇的视角 |
董晓波 |
立法语言模糊性——一个法社会学视角 |
邹玉华, 杨阳, 刘哲 |
立法语言状况报告 |
沈安琪 |
不当命名——评《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》 |
第三组:Room 222(主持:刘大生 马庆林)
褚颖 |
银幕上的美国法庭 |
陈春风 |
契约文书“保证人”用语的演变及特点 |
夏秋惠 |
论律师的推理论证 |
刘大生 |
论国家机构、领导职务、行政区划的命名 |
Fernanda López |
墨西哥西班牙语中法律言者识别的动态研究 |
马庆林 |
美国法院案件审理的推理过程——由一则案例观之 |
丁世洁 |
法制信息交叉传播的多功能分析 |
毛春香 |
刑事讯问笔录中谎言识别方法研究综述——叙事分析法(Statement Analysis)引介 |
庄伟 |
垃圾邮件起源分析 |
毛培富 |
庭审过程中话语信息类型的转换 |
袁传有 |
中外知识产权案判决书评价型语言资源的运用 |
羊芙葳 |
谎言的界定 |
王妙旋 |
庭审中信息控制对案件事实调查的影响——从会话结构和信息流动的角度分析 |
第四组:Room 216(主持:张清 张丽萍)
林大江 |
法律作为文学——本杰明·卡多佐的修辞艺术 |
甘翠平 |
试论合同法律文件英汉互译的准确性 |
张清 |
辩护词的语言规范探索 |
周静敏 |
法律文本鉴别在分析犯罪行为上的操作 |
赵军峰 |
关于法律语篇中语言规约如何影响信息结构和语言实现的对比研究 |
沈璐 |
法庭口译中法律文化冲突的翻译原则及策略 |
张文文 |
法庭言语信息受阻情况分析 |
孙达丹 |
法律文学语篇的叙事结构探究 |
王红平 |
论法律翻译的理论构建 |
王振湘 |
法律英语定语从句的理解与翻译 |
张丽萍 |
论产品警示语的义韵功能——兼谈法律语篇的组织结构与信息功能 |
文 璐 |
论英语法律语篇衔接手段的翻译及其对语篇连贯的影响 |
崔凤娟 |
律师庭审辩护词中模糊限制语的顺应理论研究 |
l 主旨发言
l 个人发言
l 总结发言
2:00-2:30 主旨发言(主持人:刘蔚铭 教授)
王德春 教授
2:30-3:10 发言(主持人:刘蔚铭 教授)
Janet Ainsworth
3:10-3:20 茶休
3:20-3:50 发言(主持人:王洁 教授)
潘庆云 教授
3:50-4:20 发言(主持人:王洁 教授)
廖美珍 教授
4:20-4:50 发言(主持人 丁世洁 教授)
王振华 教授
4:50-5:00 对外经济贸易大学出版社代表发言
5:00-5:10 高等教育出版社代表发言
5:10-5:20 会议总结发言(主持人:刘愫贞教授)
5:30-8:30 珠江夜游及晚餐(主持:张新荣 肖沅陵)
上车地点: 广外大正大门

International Conference on Forensic Linguistics & the Biennial Conference of the China Association of Forensic Linguistics (Guangzhou, China, Nov.7-8,2008) |

Thursday, November 6, 2008
9:00-21:00 Registration
Venue: 1st floor, Administrative Building
Friday morning, November 7, 2008
l Opening ceremony
l Keynote speeches
Venue: 3rd Floor, Conference Hall, Administrative Building
8:30-9:10 Opening ceremony (Chair: Prof. Du Jinbang)
Welcoming speech by the leader of GDUFS
Speech by the director of the National Key Center for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
9:10-9:55 Keynote speech (Chair: Prof. Wu Weiping)
Prof. Malcolm Coulthard
The Linguist as Detective and Expert Witness
9:55-10:15 Photo-taking, tea break
10:15-11:00 Keynote speech (Chair: Prof. Sha Lijin)
Prof. Roger W. Shuy
Using the Tools of Linguistics in Trademark Cases
11:00-11:45 Keynote speech (Chair: Dr. Yu Suqing)
Prof. Vijay Bhatia
International Commercial Arbitration Practice: Issues of Accessibility and Confidentiality
11:50 Lunch (3rd floor, Qingyayuan)
Friday afternoon, November 7, 2008
l 2:00-5:15 Parallel session
l 3:20-3:40 Tea break
Venue: 2nd Floor, First Classroom Building
Group 1: Room 201(Chair: Bai Huanran Wang Zhenhua)
WU Weiping |
Pragmatic Framework and Legal Discourse---A Link between Two Professions |
Liu Weiming |
Forensic Linguistics Research in Evidence |
Yuan Ying |
A Preliminary Study on the Subject of Detective Linguistics |
Feng Zhansheng |
Language Is the Noumenon of Law: Simple Analysis on Basic Theories of Forensic Linguistics |
Richard Powell and Azirah Hashim |
Language Policy and Code Choice in Conflict Resolution: Comparing Adversarial and Arbitral Contexts |
Ma Li |
Toward the Metacognitive Reading Strategies and the Information Decoding of Legal Documents |
Fan Peng |
Detective & Expert Witness: A New Identity of Linguists |
Guan Chengyong |
On Prosecutor and Defending lawyer’s Examination of the Accused: An Engagement System Perspective |
Peng Chunfang& Bai Huanran |
The “and” and “or” in the Normative Documents of Law: Analysis with Examples from the Criminal Law of the PRC |
Chen Jinshi |
Shifting Frames of Judges’ Discourse Information in Court |
Zhou Zhuyi |
The language Technology of Record Words Transcripts |
Su Jianhua |
Defining and Translating Terms from a Legal Perspective |
Xu Junjun |
The Study of Judges’ Speeches from the Perspective of Information Flow Theory |
Group 2: Room 202(Chair: Li Shifang Huang Ping)
Oladipo Samson |
Legal Discourse Analysis |
Virgínia Colares |
Linguistic Examination by Experts: Argumentative Operators in a Public Examination Calling for Teachers |
Du Jinbang |
The Dynamic Change of Information in Legal Discourse |
Wang Liang |
An Analytical Study on Fuzziness of Legislative Language |
Zhang Gang |
The Application of Forensic Rhetorical Model in the Courtroom Language |
Pan Xiaojue |
Interpersonal Function of Process Control in Question and Response of Criminal Court |
Ge Yunfeng |
Solicitation of Desired Information through Topic Control in Courtroom Questioning |
Li Shifang |
An Analysis of Interpersonal Meaning of Discourse in Criminal Court |
Yu Suqing |
A Study on the Institutional Discursive Characteristics of Courtroom Discourse |
Hu Shuwen |
The Processing Difference of WF Information by Prosecutor and Defendant |
Huang Ping |
Study on Exchange in Chinese Interrogative Discourse |
Guo Yuanyuan, He Cencheng |
The Application of Maxims of Quantity and Relation in the Chinese-English Translation of Legal Text |
Zhu Lifang |
Syntactic Issues in Legal Text |
Li Haiyan |
On the Application of Assessment in Legal English Teaching |
Group 3: Room 222 (Chair: Qu Wensheng Zhang Luping)
Andrew Kay-fan Cheung |
Court Interpreters’ Identity Crisis: Mechanical Robots or Human Communicators? |
Yang Zhuo |
The Study of Synchrony and Diachrony on Legal Translation |
Du Biyu |
Some Thoughts on Perfection of the Court Interpreting System in China |
Liu Fulan |
An Analysis of the Features of Legal English and the Error in Translation |
Pan Suyue |
The Features of "Four-word Phrase" in Legal Chinese and the Strategies of the Translation |
Wu Weiping |
The Equivalence in Translation of Legal Documents of International Business |
Yu Lei |
A Functional Text Typological Approach to Legal Translation |
Zhang Luping |
The Research on the Standard in Translating Specific Sentences in Legislation Statements: from the Perspective of the Translation Strategies of the Chinese Character "de" |
Feng Haixia |
On the Translating of Intertextual Signals in Prescriptive Legal Texts |
Liu Xiuming |
A Study on the Wording of the Translation of Legal Terminology |
Qu Wensheng |
On Translation: Comment on Susan Šarčević’s New approach to Legal Translation and Its Influence in China |
Cao Yan |
Court Interpreting Course for English Majors at Universities of Political Science and Law |
Wang Ye |
The Procedure and Standard of Legal Translation in Practice |
Xu Youping |
A Study on Persuasion in Court Conciliation |
Group 4: Room 216 (Chair: Liu Suzhen Mo Min)
Liu Suzhen |
“Li” and Quasi Fuzzy Expressions of Legal Language |
Zhang Xinhong |
The Essence of the Courtroom Interpreting |
Mo Min |
The Impact of the Judge’s Language in the Law Court on Fuzziness Elimination |
Wei Xinhua |
Hedging in Legal Language: A Pragmatic Perspective |
Yang Fengxian |
The Semantic Analysis of the Chinese Word "keyi"(可以) in Criminal Law |
Chen Wenling |
Politeness Strategies and Persuasion in Court Arguments |
Li Tingting |
A Study on the Interrogator’s Employment of Linguistic Politeness in Chinese Police Interrogation -- an Adaptation-Based Approach |
Tong Shan |
The Violation of the Cooperative Principle and an Analysis of Courtroom Discourse |
Pan Li |
A Study of Courtroom Speech Act: from a Perspective of Information Flow |
Yang Fangying |
Examination of Witness by Police: a Critical Discourse Analysis |
Xu Zhanghong, Yang Weixin |
Evidentiality in Chinese lawyers’ Statements--A Pragmatic Approach |
Zhong Caishun |
Does the Defendant (plaintiff) Have Different Opinions or not? : A Case for Judges’ Multiple Identities in Courtroom Trial |
Friday Evening, November 7, 2008
5:40 Dinner
Saturday Morning, November 8, 2008
l 8:30-11:50 Parallel session
l 10:00-10:20 Tea break
Venue: 2nd Floor, First Classroom Building
Group 1: Room 201(Chair: Zhao Liang Yuan Ting)
Mamoru Tsuda & Tomoko Sekiguchi |
Teaching and Instructional Materials Development for Legal Interpreting and Translation in a Japanese Graduate School |
Han Yonghong |
On the Positioning of English for Law |
Hao Yijun |
An Exploratory Study of Teaching Japanese to Law Majoring Postgraduates with Focus on Judge-made Law Teaching |
Pan Lichun |
To Promote Legal English Teaching with the On-Line Classroom |
Wang Jie |
The Three Layers as Focuses in the Study of Legislative Language Standardization |
Wang Xin |
An Empirical Study on the Teaching of English for Law |
Yuan Ting |
A New Study of Teaching of Legal English Terms |
Zhao Liang |
Reflections on the Curriculum of Legal English |
Zhang Chunhui |
A Study on Legal English Teaching |
Yan Kezhuo |
On Legal Foreign Language Teaching Model in China--A Comparative Study |
Sha Lijin |
The Main Objectives of Legal English Teaching and its Realization |
Zhang Dan |
Intentions during the Court Session |
Huang Yongping |
The Influence of Lawyer's Narrative Structure on Information Flow in Criminal Court |
Group 2: Room 202 (Chair: Xiao Yunshu Dong Xiabo)
Cristina Onesti |
Construction of an Italian legal corpus |
Liu Shiping |
The Characteristics of the Prepositions in Contractual English Idioms: a Corpus-Based Study |
Li Huayi |
Redundant Information in the Replies in Court |
Wang Qing |
On Presuppositions of Questions in the Criminal Discourse in Court |
Xiao Yunshu |
The Use of "subject to" in Legal English |
Wen Xingyuan |
The Function of Practical Oral English Used in the Process of Issuing Certificates in the Public Security Agency |
Wu Changhong |
The Effect of Linguistic Signs on Legal Certainty |
Wu Qiaofang |
The Vagueness of Legal Language |
Zhang Qing |
The Exploration of the Standard in Defence Language |
Huang Chunfang |
Lawyers' Control of Witness Testimony in Courtroom Discourse: from the Lexical Perspective |
Dong Xiaobo |
A Legal Sociological Research On Fuzziness In Legislative Languages |
Zou Yuhua, Yang Yang, Liu Zhe |
A Report on Legislative Language |
Shen Anqi |
A Wrong Name: A Comment about International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights |
Group 3: Room 222(Chair: Liu Dasheng Ma Qinglin)
Chu Ying |
American Courtrooms on the Screen |
Chen Chunfeng |
The Evolution and Features of the Term "guarantor" in Contract Document |
Xia Qiuhui |
On a Lawyer’s Reasoning |
Liu Dasheng |
On the Naming of State Institutes, Leading Posts and Administrative Division |
Fernanda López |
Dynamic Approaches to Forensic Speaker Identification in Mexican Spanish |
Ma Qinglin |
The Reasoning Process in American Courts: A Case Study |
Ding Shijie |
A Multi-Function Analysis on Cross Dissemination of Legal System Information |
Mao Chunxiang |
A Review of Deception Detection Methods in Criminal Witness Statements: An Introduction of Statement Analysis |
Zhuang Wei |
Analysis of Spam Origin |
Mao Peifu |
The Information Type Switch of Courtroom Discourse |
Yuan Chuanyou |
Appraisal Language Resources in Common-law Vs Chinese Judgments of IP Cases |
Yang Fuwei |
The Definition of Lie |
Wang Miaoxuan |
The Influence of Information Control on the Investigation of Cases in the Courtroom: From the Aspects of Conversational Structure and Information Flow |
Group 4: Room 216(Chair: Zhang Qing Zhang Liping)
Lin Dajiang |
Law as Literature: The Art of Benjamin Cardozo’s Rhetoric |
Gan Cuiping |
On Accuracy of Translating Chinese and English Legal Documents |
Zhang Qing |
A Study on Linguistic Conventions of Defence |
Zhou Jingmin |
The Operation of Forensic Text Identification in Criminal Behaviour Analysis |
Zhao Junfeng |
A Contrastive Study on How Linguistic Conventions Affect the Information Structure and Linguistic Realizations in Legal Discourse |
Shen Lu |
A Study on Legal Cultural Differences in Court Interpreting and Applicable Principles and Strategies |
Zhang Wenwen |
An Analysis on Information Block in Courtroom Discourse |
Sun Dadan |
Narrative Structure in Law and Literature Discourse |
Wang Hongping |
On the Theoretical Construction of Legal Translation |
Wang Zhenxiang |
The Comprehension and Translation of Attributive Clause in Legal English |
Zhang Liping |
Measuring the Semantic Prosody in Warning Discourse |
Wen Lu |
A Survey on the Translation of Cohesion in Legal English Texts and Its Influence on Discourse Coherence |
Cui Fengjuan |
A Study of Lawyer’s Defense Hedges in the Courtroom: from the Perspective of Adaptation Theory |
Saturday afternoon, November 8, 2008
l Keynote speeches
l speeches
l Closing speech
Venue: 3rd Floor, Conference Hall, Administrative Building
2:00-2:30 Keynote speech (Chair: Prof. Liu Weiming)
Prof. Wang Dechun
2:30-3:10 Speech (Chair: Prof. Liu Weiming)
Janet Ainsworth
Lessons from America: When Forensic Linguistic Expertise Makes a Difference in Law
3:10-3:20 Tea break
3:20-3:50 Speech (Chair: Prof. Wang Jie)
Prof. Pan Qingyun
A Probe into the Forensic Linguistics Education System and Its Teaching Methods
3:50-4:20 Speech (Chair: Prof. Wang Jie)
Prof. Liao Meizhen
Courtroom Discourse in China and the U. S.: A Comparative Study on Criminal Judgments (Sentencing)
4:20-4:50 Speech (Chair: Prof. Ding Shijie)
Prof. Wang Zhenhua
Mechanism of Different Versions of a Suspect’s Confession: from a Systemic-Functional Perspective
4:50-5:00 Speech by the representative of University of International Business and Economics Press
5:00-5:10 Speech by the representative of Higher Education Press
5:10-5:20 Closing speech (Chair: Prof. Liu Suzhen)
Friday Evening, November 7, 2008
5:30-8:30 The Pearl River cruise & dinner
Boarding Place: University Main Entrance
Abstracts of Speeches
The Linguist as Detective and Expert Witness
Linguists are ever more frequently being asked to help the police and the courts when there is a dispute over the authorship of a written text - suicide note, abusive or threatening letter, email or text message and even research questionnaire! In this lecture I will outline the underlying concepts that linguists use to approach such data and I will illustrate using examples from real cases.
One area of disputed authorship which interests academics is plagiarism and I will outline the linguistic principles underlying the Copycatch detection program, now being used to check applications to British Universities and Colleges. I will illustrate this section with extracts from Undergraduate student essays and the personal statements of university applicants.
While most forensic linguists enjoy being detectives, they find acting as expert witnesses in Court a very stressful and usually frustrating experience. I will give a linguistic explanation for this and at the same time illustrate how it is possible to present linguistic evidence clearly to a jury if one is allowed to do so.
Malcolm Coulthard is Professor of Forensic Linguistics and Director of the Centre for Forensic Linguistics at the University of Aston in Birmingham, England. He is probably still best known for his work on the analysis of spoken and written discourse and the book An Introduction to Discourse Analysis, (1977), which has now sold over 37,000 copies and is still in print. Since the late 1980s he has become increasingly involved with forensic applications of linguistics. He was foundation president of the International Association of Forensic Linguists and founding editor of the journal Forensic Linguistics, the International Journal of Speech Language and the Law. He has written expert reports in over 180 cases and given evidence on author identification three times in the Courts of Appeal in London, as well as in lower courts in Britain, Germany and Hong Kong.
Using the Tools of Linguistics in Trademark Cases
In recent years forensic linguists have found much to contribute to the successful resolution of both criminal and civil law cases. Although so far perhaps our major contributions have been in criminal cases, linguists also are beginning to aid lawyers in many types of civil law cases, including contract disputes, deceptive trade practices, product liability issues, age, race and gender discrimination, and copyright disputes. My presentation focuses on one more type of civil law case—trademark disputes between large corporations. When linguists work with lawyers, it is crucial and efficient for them first to understand and begin with the problems, assumptions, and perspectives of law. Only then can they effectively apply their linguistic tools to the evidence in the law cases. Here I first describe the categories, issues and major questions found in trademark law. Then I demonstrate how linguistic analysis addressed these issues, using examples taken from trademark disputes in which my testimony played a role. These specific linguistic analytical procedures focus in particular on the uses of phonetics, grammar, semantics, and graphemics.
Roger W. Shuy is Distinguished Research Professor of Linguistics, Emeritus at Georgetown University, where he taught gradate students for thirty years and was mentor of over 100 doctoral dissertations. In 1969 he created and headed the Georgetown sociolinguistics program, which is now the premier university for students to study sociolinguistics in America. He also served a term as chair of the linguistics department there. He was one of the founders of the American Association of Applied Linguistics and he has served as its president. He also founded and led the annual sociolinguistics conference, New Ways of Analyzing Variation. He has been awarded the status of “Fellow” by the Linguistic Society of America.
Professor Shuy’s specialties are sociolinguistics, forensic linguistics, and applied linguistics. He has published over 200 academic articles and 32 books on these subjects. He retired from classroom teaching in 1996 and moved to the beautiful mountain area of western Montana, where he continues his career by writing books about his many experiences as a forensic linguist. Lawyers have called upon his expertise in over 500 criminal and civil law cases over the past 40 years. He has testified at trial in most of the American states and he was called to testify before the Congress of the United States four times. He as also testified at the International Criminal Tribune at The Hague.
His most recent books include Language Crimes (1996), Bureaucratic Language (1998), The Language of Confession, Interrogation and Deception (1998), Linguistic Battles in Trademarks Disputes (2002), Creating Language Crimes (2005), Linguistics in the Courtroom (2006), and Fighting Over Words (2008). His next book, The Language of Defamation, will be published by Oxford University Press in 2009.
香港城市大学 (The City University of Hong Kong)
International Commercial Arbitration Practice: Issues of Accessibility and Confidentiality
Vijay Bhatia is Professor in the Department of English and Communication at the City University of Hong Kong. He is also an Adjunct Professor at the Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. His research interests include applied genre analysis of professional discourse, including, legal, business, newspaper, and advertising genres; ESP and Professional Communication (Theory and Practice); simplification of legal and other public documents; cross-cultural and disciplinary variation in professional discourses. He is currently engaged in several research projects, which include International Arbitration Practice: A Discourse Analytical Study. He has to his credit more than a hundred publications. His recent book Worlds of Written Discourse: A Genre-based View (2004) has been published by Continuum International in their Advances in Applied Linguistic Monograph Series. He has given more than 150 presentations in various international conferences, many of which include invited plenary and keynote addresses.
Seattle University
Lessons from America: When Forensic Linguistic Expertise Makes a Difference in Law
The field of applied linguistics in legal contexts, often called forensic linguistics, has grown exponentially in the past twenty years, both in the scope of its research agenda and in the number of trained linguists working in the field. As a result, this burgeoning field has made scientifically-validated contributions to many topics at the intersection of law and language. Yet, despite this increase in scholarly activity in forensic linguistics, the insights from this discipline have had limited influence in many areas of law in which it could make a meaningful contribution.
Many linguists have expressed a sense of frustration that lawyers, judges, and the legal academy still have little idea what linguistics is about and fail to appreciate fully the ways in which its insights could be useful or illuminating to law. This paper will use the experience of forensic linguistics in the US legal system as a case study, examining the ways in which linguistic expertise has sometimes been welcomed by the legal system—largely when linguists testify in individual cases when hired by private litigants—and other times has been ignored or trivialized by judges and lawyers—often when the linguists are utilizing their expertise to suggest structural and doctrinal law reform.
The paper will go on to claim that the hostility of judges and lawyers to systemic use of linguistic knowledge is grounded in misunderstandings about the nature of language that are held by many legal actors. If that is so, it suggests that linguists in China would be wise to concentrate on participation in law drafting, law reform, and legal education as a means to educating important legal constituencies about scientifically valid views of language. When that has occurred in the US—for example, in committees to reform jury instructions—linguists have had positive impact in law reform activities.
A Probe into the Forensic Linguistics Education System and Its Teaching Methods
Courtroom Discourse in China and the U. S:
A Comparative Study on Criminal Judgments (Sentencing)
This paper presents a detailed comparison between Chinese criminal court judgments (sentencing discourse) and American criminal judgments (sentencing discourse), highlighting the differences. Chinese judgments (sentencing discourse) tend to concentrate on the moral and ethical lapses of the defendant, whereas American judgments (sentencing discourse) are far more legalistic. For example, Chinese judgments frequently contain denunciations of the defendant. Explanations based on differences between the legal systems such as the presumption of innocence in the American system, and differences between the larger cultures, will be offered.
Different Attitudes toward a Same Event: from a Systemic-Functional Perspective
经过50多年的发展,系统功能语言学已经趋于成熟,主要体现在系统功能语法理论方面,如概念元功能、人际元功能和谋篇元功能,以及相应的及物性系统、语气系统和主位系统。另外,语域理论也是较成熟的理论,其内核成分“语场”、“语旨”和“语式”直接对应三大员功能思想。国内外的研究在应用系统功能语言学理论时,往往是把元功能与语域结合起来讨论,研究语言或语篇的意义,取得了很大的成功。但这些研究多数是以小句的语法研究为主,上升到大语篇语义的研究不多。上个世纪80年代,以J R Martin为代表的系统功能语言学家们注意到了这一不足,把研究的中心转移到对大语篇的研究(语篇语义学),发展了韩礼德的语类理论和人际元功能,创立了评价理论和篇章格律理论等。新近,Martin又发展了韩礼德的层级思想,认为语言系统(意义潜势)的实现除了“实现化”(realization)和“实例化”(instantiation)外,还应该有“个性化”(individuation)。三者相互补充,使过去很少涉及的文本子集和个体文本反应的价值观念和意识形态得以有效地研究。
This paper inquires the mechanism of different versions of a suspect’s confession. The linguistic theory applied is strata of SFL, chiefly realization, instantiation and individuation. Realization is the scale of abstraction. Instantiation is the scale of generalization. Individuation is the clustering of bonds. Instantiation and individuation can be used to dig into the depth of different texts of the same experience. Therefore, a suspect’s different versions can be well studied within the strata framework.
Abstracts of Scheduled Presentations
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Court Interpreters’ identity crisis: mechanical robots or human communicators?
This is a data driven study on the multiple roles that court interpreters play in the court room setting. In an adversarial court room setting where the onus of proof lies on the prosecutor, utterances made by the defendant or witnesses may affect the outcome of a trial. Therefore, the accuracy of interpreters’ renditions of these utterances is of paramount importance. Court interpreters are, hence, assigned to operate within the conduit model, a “legal fiction necessitated by the inadmissibility of hearsay evidence in the common room courtroom” (Poechhacker, 2004: 147). Consequently, the role of court interpreters has been “conceptualized as a mechanical service, not a complex human interaction” (Laster & Taylor, 1995:3). However, this study would argue that in practice, accuracy is essentially a continuum where court interpreters exercise a certain degree of latitude to facilitate communication.
Hong Kong’s legal system is based on the British common law system, which is written in the English language. Most legal professionals may, therefore, be more comfortable operating in the English language professionally. As a result, the English language is still widely used at different levels of court in Hong Kong. But with a majority of the population that is Chinese speaking, court interpreters are indispensible in the process of the administration of justice.
In Hong Kong, court interpreters are required to adhere to the rule that everything that a witness or a defendant says must be “be interpreted in full and in the direct speech” and “in no circumstances should an interpreter draw any inference from the reply made by the accused” (Judiciary: 2004, 4). An analysis of a corpus of 800,000 words, all of which are from criminal cases tried at the High Court of Hong Kong, indicates that court interpreters do appear to adhere to this rule. But the analysis also provides evidence to support that court interpreters may occasionally deviate from this rule to enhance comprehensibility. This study will provide data to contribute to the emerging debate of interpreter’s role in the court room.
Judiciary. (2004) Basic Guidelines for Part-time Interpreters. Court Language Section, Hong Kong Judiciary.
Poechhaler, F. (2004) Introducing Interpreting Studies. Routledge
Laster, K., Taylor V. (1995) The compromised “conduit”: conflicting perceptions of legal interpreters. Multiculturalism and the Law. Australian Institute of Criminology.
University of Turin
Construction of an Italian legal corpus
The present study aims at showing the construction of an Italian legal corpus, the Corpus Jus Jurium, with a special attention to the internal structure of legal documents and juridical texts.
Built at the University of Turin, Jus Jurium tries to cover the entire legal universe current in contemporary Italy, which is particularly rich of examples because of Italian high productivity of laws, whose life is represented in the corpus from their first conception in the parlamentary discussion, to their codification in normative rules, to their application in judgements.
The corpus will consist by three subcorpora, and namely:
a regulative section, consisting of Italian Constitution and Codes, laws and decrees;
a judicial section, consisting in the judgements produced by Courts of law of different degrees;
a parlamentary section, consisting of the minutes or reports taken down in shorthand during the sessions of Chambers and Commissions.
All subcorpora will be querable separately or all together by means of the CQP system (see Christ et al. 1999; Heid 2007).
Fine textual distinctions are examined, marking introduction, motive, conclusion, signature and typical parts constituting different legal text genres. The analysis has in particular cast some light on the still neglected textual expression of legal texts.
Elaborating texts with such peculiarites implies also a long part of manual tagging, but the final result can be a very useful resource for translators looking for idioms, collocations or terminological elements in a specific part of text and above all for forensic linguists, providing them with an extensive repository of well-structured data and with fine-grained querying opportunities, whether at morphosyntactic or lexical or textual level.
Fernanda López, M. Teresa Turell, Luis A. Pineda
ForensicLab (Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada – UPF) & Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación (IIMAS – UNAM), ForensicLab (Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada – UPF), Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación (IIMAS – UNAM)
fernanda.lopez@upf.edu, teresa.turell@upf.edu, luis@leibniz.iimas.unam.mx
Dynamic approaches to forensic speaker identification in Mexican Spanish
The aim of this paper is to present the design and preliminary results obtained in an experiment in forensic speech identification in a Mexican Spanish corpus.
Usually, forensic speech identification studies involving measurements of acoustic parameters take the midpoint of a sonorous segment for analysis. Therefore they concentrate in studying the static characteristics of the speech signal. These studies have shown that it is possible to distinguish different speakers but not to a sufficient degree. Recent studies like Ingram et al. (1996) and McDougall (2004, 2006) have taken special interest in the evolution of speech signal characteristics through time and have studied acoustic parameters such as vowel formant frequency from a dynamic point of view.
The main interest of this paper is to analyze the acoustic parameters (fundamental frequency and vowel formant frequency) of a sonorous segment taking into account its evolution in time. Therefore, in addition to the midpoint, several points within the segment are analyzed. One of the hypotheses we test in this experiment is that dynamic features of speech signal discriminate effectively between speakers in samples of a Mexican Spanish corpus. This study also approaches the fact that short recording length results in a very small amount of samples to analyze. Studying only the vowels /a/ and /e/ was a possible solution since they are the most frequent phonemes in Mexican Spanish.
The experiment was carried out on a read Mexican Spanish corpus consisting of 12 speakers (6 women and 6 men). The vowels /a/ and /e/ were tagged and their frequencies were calculated using the Praat tool. Data analysis was realized with a statistical method (Linear Discriminant Analysis) to determine if vowels discriminate between speakers. Different classification percentages were obtained. Preliminary results show that the methodology and the parameters described here are appropriate in order to discriminate between the corpus speakers.
Osaka University, Tokai University
mtsuda@glocol.osaka-u.ac.jp, t-sekiguchi@m8.gyao.ne.jp
Teaching and Instructional Materials Development for Legal Interpreting and Translation in a Japanese Graduate School
This paper introduces and examines the background, faculty, curriculum, instructional materials development and students of a university in Osaka, Japan.
Osaka University (that merged Osaka University of Foreign Studies in October 2007) has been the only one graduate program offering a degree program with full courses in legal interpreting and translation. The first such course that started in 1999 was called “Special Seminar on Legal Interpreting and Translation.” Four sets of courses in legal interpreting with various lecturers from the court, the Ministry of Justice (including the Public Prosecutor’s Office), the bar association, and prefectural police headquarters have been offered since 2003. It should be emphasized that the lecturers themselves are the users of interpreters/translators. And for the last three years, the university has offered an M.A. degree course in interpreting and translation studies.
In Japan, a couple of handbooks of legal terms for court interpreting, and books of sample translation of a courtroom setting have been published to serve as the guidance for interpreters/translators working in legal procedures. However, these materials are far from satisfactory in quantity and quality.
Against such a backdrop, a working team has been organized within Osaka University, consisting of court interpreters, conference interpreters, and applied linguists, some of whom are also educators at university. It covers interpreters/translators to and from Japanese with a wide variety of languages, such as Chinese, Mongolian, Korean, Vietnamese, Filipino (Tagalog), Hindu, Urdu, Panjabi, Russian, Spanish, and English. The team explores the possibility of developing materials that better suit the need of legal interpreters.
So far, study materials for Russian and Vietnamese have past the blueprint stage, and begun to take a shape. Learning from the expertise of legal, language and other related areas, it is hoped to provide tools and materials with the current and prospective interpreters in Japan, while sharing such experiences with the experts and specialists in the conference.
Legal discourse analysis
Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is a theory that examines and analyzes power asymmetry in discourse. It depicts instances of injustices in social interaction, and aims at raising people's consciousness of them. Hence, it is a democratic approach to language. The thesis applies this theory to legal discourse, in an effort to shed light on the linguistic forms that create an unequal balance of relations between professionals and non-professionals in English, Egyptian and French legal discourses. For this particular purpose, English, French, and Arabic legal texts, statutes, contracts, and trials are examined from the semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic points of view, following a CDA framework. Moreover, the thesis undertakes to prove that legal literary trials are equal to real ones, following Fowler's approach to literature as social discourse. Thus, English and Arabic legal literary trials are also analyzed. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter offers a general background of the theory of critical discourse analysis and definition of terms in this theory. Moreover, it briefs on the concept of law and legal theories from both historical and social perspectives. The second chapter examines different semantic issues like the use of synonymy, antonymy, and hyponymy in English and Arabic real and literary discourses. The chapter also presents analyses of metaphors, similes and other figures of speech in Arabic and English legal discourses. The third chapter offers an examination of different processes in the three languages, mental, material, verbal, etc. and underlines the use of passivization and nominalization in these legal discourses. In addition, it studies the use of modals, imperatives, and subordination in the three languages. Chapter four projects the use of or the violation of the CP and the PP in English and Egyptian courts and projects different examples on turn-taking from both courts. Finally, different speech acts in English and Egyptian discourses are examined and the promulgation formula is studied with reference to the Egyptian, French, Canadian, Russian Albanian, and Bosnian Statutes.
The results reveal that the legal discourses of these languages are greatly similar in their contents of laws, being tools of social (in)justice and control. Moreover, the linguistic means to accomplish such social goals, whether semantic, syntactic or pragmatic, are analogous. In addition, the literary works under study show the commitment of many literary writers to follow real legal linguistic forms in their works, hence, there is no literary discourse per se; rather it is a true representation of reality.
The thesis offers different recommendations to alleviate power asymmetry in legal encounters, and to raise people's consciousness of their laws. Of these suggestions are the following. Laws should be taught in different universities to inform students of the legal principles and procedures of their countries. Legal programs should also be projected on TV. Such programs can guide people to act properly in awkward situations, therefore, they learn their laws and avoid destroying their careers with unlawful acts.
Nihon University (Japan), University of Malaya, Malaysia
ricpowelljp@yahoo.co.jp, azirahh@um.edu.my
Language Policy and Code Choice in Conflict Resolution: Comparing Adversarial and Arbitral Contexts
In adversarial common law courtrooms, the crucial role of oral testimony is managed by strict rules of speaking. These cover not only who can say what and when, but in what language they can say it and whether their speech must be translated. In some jurisdictions within multilingual societies, more than one language is admissible in the courtroom. In Malaysian courts, for example, both Malay and English are used, and rules of speaking are supplemented by a language policy that lays down which language may be used for both oral and written submissions according to the interests of justice. Arbitrations also frequently take place in multilingual contexts, particularly when the parties and arbitrators are from different countries, but not infrequently when they are all are from the same one. Thus in the case of arbitrations in Malaysia, some witnesses might use English since it is commonly used in commercial documentation, others may prefer Malay, and some may use a mixture of both. In theory, arbitrations allow for freer and more relaxed discussion than courtrooms. Consequently, the rules of speaking are more flexible, and decisions about code choice and the use of translation are usually made on a case-by-case basis. Focusing primarily on conflict resolution in the Malaysian context, the aim of this paper is to consider whether the arbitral system’s more relaxed policy on code choice allows for freer and fairer discussion than in the courtroom, and to what extent code-mixing and code-switching, which are endemic in most multilingual societies, are also found within the constraints of adversarial and arbitral discourse.
Universidade Católica de Pernambuco- UNICAP- Brasil
Linguistic examination by experts: argumentative operators in a public examination calling for teachers
The present article presents an authentic investigation carried out by request of a candidate, approved in first place, but nonetheless ruled out, in an exam for teachers-to-be, as a result from an interpretation of the calling published on Diário Oficial (Jornal Oficial de Garanhuns; PE, Brasil, ANO IV Nº 58, 01 de janeiro de 2008). The cause of the misunderstanding is placed on the text’s argumentative operators. The term argumentative operator or discursive operator, on the point of view of the enunciative semantics, characterizes some particular language particles that function as a token to indicate the argumentative power of the utterances so as to obtain specific conclusions, in spite of others. The linguistic discursive analysis shows that the panel decision to dismiss the candidate failed to observe the cues present in the text of the calling, as well as the argumentative orientation to where they point. We have shown that, through the textual evidences presented in our report, submitted to the justice, the candidate does fulfill the requirements of the public examination calling and, therefore, should not be ruled out.
Court Interpreting Course for English Majors at Universities of Political Science and Law
With the increase of international communication, there is a growing need for the service of court interpreting in China. Meanwhile, the number of qualified court interpreters is extremely limited. Offering court interpreting courses in institutions of higher education to train court interpreters is an effective way to solve the problem. Currently, this course is in initial stage in Chinese universities. To learn this course, students should have a good command of Chinese and English, as well as a good knowledge of law. Junior and senior English majors at universities of political science and law have an edge over other college students in that they meet both requirements. By analyzing the professional codes of conduct, the writer points out the basic skills and qualifications of court interpreters. Based on this analysis, the writer then propose a plan to design the court interpreting course for English majors at universities of political science and law, which includes course objectives, pre-sessional courses, textbooks, reference books, allocation of class periods, examination forms and so on.
Shifting Frames of Judges’ Discourse Information in Court
According to Gamson, frames can be described as underlying structures or organizing principles that hold together and give coherence to a diverse array of symbols and idea elements (Creed, Langstraat & Scully 2002). All texts are comprised of packages of integrated idea elements held together by some unifying central concept, called a frame (Gamson & Modigliani, 1989).
As indicated by frame theory, frames shift with participants’ discourse practice, this article focuses on shifting frames of judges’ discourse information in court. Specifically, we will analyze the discourse information that originates when judges mobilize court discursive patterns, turn-taking and conversational topics and explore how various information units constitute frames, what frames will be articulated by judges’ discourse in court, and how judges shift these frames to realize their judicial purpose in court. The research is based on the Corpus for the Legal Information Processing System (CLIPS) and the data have been subjected to our analytical framework, taking as a basis a multi-method approach that includes conversation analysis, interactional sociolinguistics and discourse information structure. As workplace communication needs to be analyzed at various levels, we will discuss such three dimensions as linguistic one, cognitive one and social one to accomplish the research objectives.
To sum up, the article will be a new exploratory research on judges’ discourse. It employs multi-method approach to probe into the relationship between judges’ discourse information and judicial practice and provides a new idea and a new analytical framework for studies on the solution of legal problems by means of linguistic research methods.
Key Words: shifting frames; judges’ discourse; discourse information
Politeness Strategies and Persuasion in Court Arguments
本文根据Brown 和Levinson的面子保全理论,对法庭辩论中律师使用的礼貌策略进行研究。通过对收集到的法庭辩论的语料进行分析和统计,作者发现中国律师使用了三种礼貌策略,即积极礼貌策略、消极礼貌策略和非公开的礼貌策略。其中,出现最多的是消极礼貌策略,其次是积极礼貌策略和非公开的礼貌策略。为了实现这些礼貌策略,律师使用了各种语言形式,最常见的依次是:限制语、将言者和听者非个人化、提供原因、尊重对方、设问以及包括言者和听者等。此外,本文通过进一步分析指出:法庭辩论中使用礼貌策略与日常对话中使用礼貌策略的功能并不完全相同;律师使用礼貌策略不仅可以协调人际关系,还可以通过与法官建立融洽的关系,更好地传递有利于己方当事人的信息、实现辩论的说服目的。
The present study probes into the politeness strategy in Chinese court arguments based on Brown and Levinson’s Face Management Model as the theoretical framework. The analysis of the collected data indicates that the Chinese lawyers use three politeness strategies: positive politeness strategy, negative politeness strategy and off record strategy. Among them, negative politeness strategy appears most frequently, followed by positive politeness strategy and off record strategy. To realize these strategies, the lawyers use various linguistic means, the most often used means being hedge, impersonalize S & H, give reasons, give deference, rhetorical questions and include both S & H in the activity, etc. Moreover, further analysis reveals that the use of the politeness strategies can not only lubricate human relationship in the court arguments, but also enable the lawyers to establish rapport with the judges, through which the lawyers can communicate the information favorable to their clients more convincingly and accomplish better persuasion.
Key words:politeness, persuasion, rapport, court argument, Face Management Model
American Courtrooms on the Screen
The courtroom drama (movies and television programs) has been considered one of the most popular American film genres, and have also succeeded in capturing the interest of the public on both sides of the Atlantic. Focusing on some recent popular commercial movies and television programs produced in the United States, this paper explores the characteristics that contribute to their worldwide success. Further, the differences between real courtrooms and the courtrooms on the screen will be examined in such a way as to cast light on the impact of courtroom drama upon people’s idea about courtrooms.
Key words: courtroom drama, real courtrooms, characteristics, differences
关于法制信息传播的功能研究,许多学者都做过研究,大都从一案一议的角度讨论某案触犯了什麽法律,应该怎么处理等等。本文主要从一案传播多方面信息交叉的角度,分析法制信息传播的多功能性。文章从以下几个方面讨论:一是法制信息传播的功能概述; 二是法制信息传播的教育功能;三是法制信息传播的经济功能;四是法制信息传播的文化功能;五是法制信息传播的多功能分析。从以上分析中讨论法制信息传播的高效率化,是人们更进一步明白法律的效率,同时为促进社会的进步和公民的精神文明建设出一份绵薄之力。
A Legal Sociological Research On Fuzziness In Legislative Languages
关键词:立法语言;模糊性;法社会学; 法治
Abstract: Exactness is the soul of legislative language and one of legislative principles pursued by the lawmaker. But in practice fuzziness is inevitable in legislative language. The explanation based on the analysis from view of sociology of law benefit to understand its emerging cultural background, its value and its positive and negative effect on the rule of law.
Key words: Legislative Language, Fuzziness; Sociology of Law;Rule of Law
Some thoughts on perfection of the court interpreting system in China
After China entered into the World Trade Organization, the number of foreign nationals who come to China to do business or settle down has been growing. Cases involving foreign nationals have gone up in the past few years. Hence the demand for court interpreters is also increasing. However, due to the drawbacks in the current court interpreting system, the quality of court interpreting cannot be guaranteed, which has greatly done harm to the interests of the parties to the cases.
The present paper addresses the issue of how to perfect the court interpreting system in China. Firstly, the author takes a look at the current situation, analyzing the existing problems. Then she points out the characteristics of court trials and court interpreting. Afterwards, basing on the foreign experience in this field, the author puts forwards advice on the perfection of the court interpreting system in aspects of qualification of court interpreters, training and supervision. It is hoped that this paper will be conducive to the legal reform in China.
The Dynamic Change of Information in Legal Discourse
关键词:法律语篇 信息流动 发展 传递 树状信息结构。
The information in legal discourse develops and passes forward with the building up of the discourse surface, which constitutes the information flow. The present paper analyzes the information flow process from the perspectives of the direction and condition of information flow, the change of information while flowing, and the manner of information flow. The analysis focuses on the two dimensions, viz. development and transference which are based upon the social relations of the communicating participants. The development of information not only proceeds in the linear mode along with the discourse surface but enriches gradually the tree information structure of discourse.
Keywords: legal discourse, information flow, development, transference, tree information structure
Detective & Expert Witness: A New Identity of Linguists
【关键词】语言学家 法庭 侦探和权威证人 身份
Before Forensic Linguistics was recognized as an independent branch of science, few would believe the fact that linguists could serve as detectives or witnesses. Actually, linguists have been playing such roles since ancient times in court. For linguists the indictments functioned as visible texts while hearing a case or running a case invisible but audible texts. In morden times, the detective and expert witness in linguists is also seen in both the court accusation and defence and the final judgement. Focused on this special identity of linguists, this article discusses the characteristics and functions of the detective and expert witness in linguists. Hopefully this article may reveal another image of linguists in court.
Key Words: linguists; court; detective and expert witness; identity
On the Translating of Intertextual Signals in Prescriptive Legal Texts
在互文性的理解阶段,作者根据Hatim & Mason提出的互文性分类模式,从四个层面展开对互文性及互文符号的探讨:语义、句法、篇章及文化层面。在理解互文性的基础上,本文展开了对法律文本中互文符号翻译原则、策略、方法的探讨。
法律文本的特点决定了译文必须严格忠实于原文,原文与译文间的法律对等为翻译的基本原则,因此法律对等为互文符号翻译提供了指导原则。在法律翻译中,译者要用目的语重现原文中的各种互文信息,使译文的读者与原文的读者产生某种共鸣,从而达到原文与译文的互文对等。在此原则指导下,本文从四个层面对互文符号的具体翻译技巧进行了探讨。我们希望,本文对规范性法律文本中互文现象的理解及其在译文中表达的研究,能丰富法律文本类型中的互文性研究,有助于了解互文现象在法律翻译中的处理方法与原则,从而对法律翻译的进一步发展起到一定推动作用, 并为法律翻译开拓一个新的视角。
This paper probes into the translating of intertextual signals in prescriptive legal texts, with a view to tackling the problem of the effective transference of intertextuality from ST to TT. It starts from the study of how intertextuality manifests itself through intertextual signals in legal texts, and then elaborates on the specific techniques of translating intertextual signals in legal texts, with intertextual equivalence between the ST and the TT proposed as the guiding principle for the translating thereof.
Following the typology of intertextuality proposed by Hatim & Mason, the present study analyzes the intertextuality from four levels: semantic, syntactic, textual and cultural. After that this paper focuses on the study of how to recognize and translate various intertextual signals in legal texts. Under the guiding principles of intertextual equivalence and legal equivalence, this paper tackles specific techniques for translating intertextual signals by examining ample examples. By conducting this research on intertextuality in prescriptive legal texts and on its transference to TT in translation, we hope it may shed light on the understanding, translating principle and methods of intertextuality and intertextual signals in legal texts.
The present study may help to gain a deeper insight into legal translation from the point view of intertextuality and provide a new perspective into legal translation. It may also add to the existing body of research on intertextuality studies.
Key words: intertextuality; intertextual signals; intertextual equivalence; legal equivalence; semantic translation
On Language Is the Noumenon of Law
--------Simple Analysis on Basic Theory of Forensic Linguistics
关键词:语言 法律 本体 法律语言
In this paper, by borrowing the concept of noumenon in Philosophy and combining achievements on contemporary studies of Linguistics and Law Science, the author presents a theory, which is that language is the noumenon of law. And he holds that this is the basic theory of Forensic Linguistics. Then he expounds its connotation and argues for it on the aspects of legal emergence, historic development and operation. Finally, he concludes that we must lay emphasis on studies on legal language and consummates Forensic Linguistics.
Key Words: Language; Law; Noumenon; Legal Language
Accuracy is the essence of legal language and so accuracy should also be one of the fundamental rules judging legal documents translation. Legal documents are in a variety of forms and each has its respective features. This essay cites contracts as examples and analyzes the characteristics of terms and structures in Chinese and English contracts, aiming to find out how to realize interpreting them precisely.
Solicitation of Desired Information through Topic Control in Courtroom Questioning
随着法律语言学在中国的进一步发展,法庭会话逐渐成为人们研究的重点。这部分的研究主要是从法庭问话策略,法庭问答的互动性,叙事结构等角度进行的。这些研究大多都与信息有关系,因为在法庭会话中,问话人与被问话人之间的会话主要是进行信息的获取与交换。本文从语篇分析的角度,对中国法庭审判中,法官,公诉人或律师在问话中如何控制被告或证人的话题进行研究, 旨在揭示话题控制在问话人获取所需信息过程中所起的作用。
With the development of forensic linguistics, courtroom interactions have become the focus of linguistic study. The study of courtroom interactions is mainly conducted from the perspectives such as questioning strategies, interactive features and information structure. Since what questioners want to obtain in courtroom interactions is information, most of the studies in this field deal with information. This article elaborates on the phenomenon of topic control in courtroom interactions, especially the interactions between judges, lawyers or prosecutors and defendants or witnesses. By analyzing the courtroom interactions, we aim to demonstrate how topics are controlled by questioners, and, more importantly, how desired information is solicited through topic control.
Keywords: topic control; desired information; courtroom questioning; discourse analysis
On Prosecutor and defending lawyer’s Examination of Accused
——A Engagement System Perspective
This article studies on the prosecutor and defending lawyer’s examination of the accused based on the theoretical framework of the engagement system and with the help of legal discourse information structure theory and information flow theory, aiming at revealing the different engagement strategies adopted by the prosecutor and the defending lawyer in their examination of the accused, exploring the engagement system for criminal court examination.
Engagement is the means, information is the carrier, winning the case is the purpose, while information flow is a necessity for court trial. This article summarizes two kinds of engagement strategies through the analysis on the data extracted from the Corpus of Legal Information Processing System (CLIPS): dialogic expansion strategies and dialogic contraction strategies. The prosecutor’s purpose is to prove the accused guilty, and the questions asked are dialogic contraction oriented, so that little space is left for the accused to argue for himself, while the defending lawyer’s purpose is to acquit or reduce the legal responsibility of the accused, so the questions asked will be dialogic expansion dominated, so that enough space is left for the accused to defend himself/herself. However, the prosecutor’s dialogic contraction strategies may slow and even obstruct the information flow and bring bad effects to the examination, so the prosecutor may occasionally adopts some expansion strategies to relieve the tension; the defending lawyer, to prevent the accused from talking about everything, tends to use some contraction strategies to guide the accused.
This article may enrich the study of legal discourse, broaden the application of engagement system and provide suggestions for criminal court examination.
在法律文章翻译过程中, 会遇到大量的长句,法律语言也很繁复,但是如果只注重形式上的简洁,就难免遗漏信息,致使译文内容不完整,这是翻译的大忌,而如果为了清除表达就罗嗦拖沓地表达,也会给读者造成困扰,让人晕头转向,不知所云。本文主要讨论将Horn于1984年提出数量原则(Q-principle)和关系原则(R-principle)原则应用到法律文章翻译中,探讨如何力求语言简洁,同时保证表达信息准确、无遗漏,以达到二者的平衡,保证译文在准确、忠于原文的前提下,避免重复、繁琐。本文将以作者亲自参与翻译编写的法律文章为样本和研究对象,提出理论,同时以实际例句加以佐证。
This article is mainly devoted to applying Horn’s Q-principle and R-principle to the translation of legal articles, which are usually long in sentences and complicated in structures, in order to balance the translation version and make faithful reproduction of the original meaning. Horn’s Q-principle requires a full expression of the meaning; while R-principle requires only necessary content. This article discusses how to apply the two seemingly contradictory concepts to legal article translation appropriately to keep a concise structure as well as an expressive meaning.
Key words: legal articles, translation, Q-principle, R-principle
On the Positioning of English for Law
关键词:法律英语 定位 教学目标 课程设计 教学方法
Thanks to the great demand for international law professionals, the teaching of English for law is on its flourishing way in China.However, there is no denying the fact that some questions concerning the teaching objective, curriculum design and teaching method need to be answered. The key to the above mentioned questions is the proper positioning of English for law. Different views on the teaching objective, curriculum design and teaching method are analyzed and commented on. Based on the principles of ESP theory and the teaching practice of English for
law, the positioning of English for law is discussed by answering these questions.
Key words: English for law; positioning; teaching objective; curriculum design; teaching method
法律语篇信息是每个法律语篇的组成内容, 对法律语篇信息的理解可以很好的帮助我们理解整个法律语篇。本文首先对法律语篇信息进行了定义和分类,与布拉格学派和Halliday的信息进行了区分.然后选取各种法律语篇信息其中的何事实信息进行分析,介绍了法律语篇信息处理的方法[单/双方处理(uni-/co-pursuance)、单/双方逃避(uni-/co-evasion)或单/双方放弃(uni-/ co-abandonment)]、策略[提起和结束(initiating& concluding)、雄辩和利用(elaborating& utilizing)、忽视和转化(ignoring& diverting)和压制和破坏(suppressing& destroying)]和手段[语言和非语言的工具(linguistic and non-linguistic devices)],然后从三个不同的信息值角度(有利,中立和不利)对控辩双方对何事实信息处理进行分析,可以看出控辩双方在处理的时候有很多差异,差异产生的原因主要是控辩双方都对诉讼抱有胜诉的目的。
Lawyers' Control of Witness Testimony in Courtroom Discourse: in Lexical Perspective
词汇是语言的基石, 词汇的使用直接地影响语言的表达。本文通过对词汇的搭配及其内涵意义的分析,论述了在英美法庭审判的对抗制体系下的法庭话语中律师和证人之间的词汇协调过程和律师对证人证言的控制。
This essay analyzes the collocation and connotation of the courtroom lexis. It discusses lawyers’ control of witness testimony through lexical negotiation in the Anglo-American adversarial system.
Study on Exchange in Chinese Interrogative Discourse
我们的研究表明,侦查讯问话语不同于法庭互动话语,尽管二者都是在司法环境下的机构话语(discourse in legal setting)。“法庭互动话语的结构之所以复杂是因为审判活动参与者之间的目的关系复杂。”(廖美珍2003b)而侦查讯问的参与者单一,只有侦查员和犯罪嫌疑人,并且目的关系明确——目的对抗,但是其互动话语依然表现出复杂的结构特征:以I-R二步结构和I-R-F三步结构为典型结构,I-R-Fi-Fii四步结构、I-R-Ii-Ri 重复结构、I-Ii-Ri-R嵌入式结构等交错于其中。这与案件性质、作案经过的复杂程度、讯问阶段、侦查员掌握的案件事实信息量、侦查员的个性及讯问策略、犯罪嫌疑人的个性及背景等因素有着密切的关系。侦查讯问的三步对应结构与课堂话语的三步对应结构亦有很大的区别,尽管大结构相同——都是三步,但对应结构的行动构成却有差异,因此在话语中发挥的交际功能也有所不同。总之,对话语进行对应结构的分析,有利于我们认清此话语与彼话语的区别性特征,从而进一步探求特定话语的本质。
Birmingham School’s basic analytical mode in classroom discourse can also be adopted to the study of police interrogative discourse, which is a classic institutional discourse. “Exchange ”, among the five ranks – lesson, transaction, exchange, move, act, is the smallest analytical unit in interaction. The present paper puts light on the standard to define “exchange” by which the transcribed data of two Chinese police interrogations is analysed. The “exchange” in police interrogative discourse includes structures of “I-R” ,“I-R-F”, “I-R-Fi-Fii”, “I-R-Ii-Ri”, “I-Ii-Ri-R”, etc, and they have respective features of distribution and its motivations.
大阪大学 東海大学
mtsuda@glocol.osaka-u.ac.jp t-sekiguchi@m8.gyao.ne.jp
Teaching and Instructional Materials Development for Legal Interpreting and Translation in a Japanese Graduate School
This paper introduces and examines the background, faculty, curriculum, instructional materials development and students of a university in Osaka, Japan.
Osaka University (that merged Osaka University of Foreign Studies in October 2007) has been the only one graduate program offering a degree program with full courses in legal interpreting and translation. The first such course that started in 1999 was called “Special Seminar on Legal Interpreting and Translation.” Four sets of courses in legal interpreting with various lecturers from the court, the Ministry of Justice (including the Public Prosecutor’s Office), the bar association, and prefectural police headquarters have been offered since 2003. It should be emphasized that the lecturers themselves are the users of interpreters/translators. And for the last three years, the university has offered an M.A. degree course in interpreting and translation studies.
In Japan, a couple of handbooks of legal terms for court interpreting, and books of sample translation of a courtroom setting have been published to serve as the guidance for interpreters/translators working in legal procedures. However, these materials are far from satisfactory in quantity and quality.
Against such a backdrop, a working team has been organized within Osaka University, consisting of court interpreters, conference interpreters, and applied linguists, some of whom are also educators at university. It covers interpreters/translators to and from Japanese with a wide variety of languages, such as Chinese, Mongolian, Korean, Vietnamese, Filipino (Tagalog), Hindu, Urdu, Panjabi, Russian, Spanish, and English. The team explores the possibility of developing materials that better suit the need of legal interpreters.
So far, study materials for Russian and Vietnamese have past the blueprint stage, and begun to take a shape. Learning from the expertise of legal, language and other related areas, it is hoped to provide tools and materials with the current and prospective interpreters in Japan, while sharing such experiences with the experts and specialists in the conference.
Through analysis of English assessment’s back-wash to English teaching and the introduction of this theory into Legal English teaching(hereinafter LET), the writer puts forward the effective LET is to maximize the positive back-wash of Legal English assessment(hereinafter LEA) in building an effective LET with combination of LEA, LET and students’ self-learning.
As institutional discourse, legal discourse can be divided into two types: write and oral. The first type, written legal discourse mainly includes legislative language and the indictment and judgment in judicial procedure. The second type, oral legal discourse mainly includes the pretrial interrogation and examination in criminal case as well as the language in the court. All the above mentioned discourses take place in various legal acts and embody the characteristics that can not be found in daily conversation or other types of discourses. The analyze on such discourses may help us understand the nature of legal language and conduct legal practice on the basis of theories. On one hand, we may collect information in a more efficient way; on the other hand, we may better realize justice in the court procedure by protecting the lawful rights of the answer. As a type of legal discourse, the promptness and interaction characteristics of language in the court procedure may better exemplify the distinction between court examination and daily conversation.
First, this paper makes a brief literature review on the research result of information of legal language, and gives a brief introduction about other adopted linguistic theories such as cooperation principle and conversation structure. On the basis of case study, after putting forward the phenomena of redundant information in the court procedure, this paper attempts to give a definition on such phenomena from the aspects of information and conversation structure and classify such phenomena into three categories based on the standards such as information, psychological intention and cooperation principle. On one hand, the aim of this paper is to make the readers better understand such redundant information and perceive the nature of such phenomena, and finally achieve the result of understanding the characteristics of court language; on the other hand, this paper also aims to make some theoretical contribution to the methods of dealing with the redundant information.
本文从互动性介入的视角,考察中国刑事法庭话语人际意义的语义范围,把语步类型(move types)即言语功能(speech function)和协商等互动性介入的语篇语义资源,作为表达人际意义的一个语义范畴。文章依据具体的刑事法庭庭审语境,按照刑事庭审功能把刑事庭审话语分为三步(move),然后,对法庭话语中言语功能进行分类,并描绘出法庭话语中言语功能网络体系。最后,分别从语步层面和交换层面考察庭审参与人对言语功能的选择及其人际意义。研究发现,庭审语境中有其独特的言语功能:要么以建构功能启动话语,要么以陈述功能、重述功能启动话语。研究同时表明,法官和被告人之间缺乏角色互换,证实了他们之间是法定的控制与被控制、支配与被支配的关系。
This thesis focuses on speech functions as a special meaning resource for the expression of interpersonal meaning in criminal courtroom discourse. It first identifies that the structure of the courtroom discourse unit is composed of 3 moves in its organization according to the criminal trial function and presents the network of speech functions in criminal courtroom discourse. Then the analysis is stressed, respectively at the level of moves and the level of exchanges, on the selection of speech functions by the interactants with regard to their interpersonal meaning. The analysis indicates that the unique features of speech function in criminal courtroom discourse are manifested as the structuring move, stating move and restating move, which illustrate how the activity in criminal courtroom discourse is initiated and moreover the interactants involved express their interpersonal meanings mainly through the selection of speech functions. The result shows that there is lack of role reciprocity between the judge and the accused and that their controlling and controlled relationships are pre-determined by Criminal Procedure Law.
A Study on the Interrogator’s Employment of Linguistic Politeness in Chinese Police Interrogation
-- an Adaptation-Based Approach
本文采用语用学理论,对中国警察讯问中讯问人员所使用的礼貌语言进行研究。论文的理论框架来源于对Leech (1983)的礼貌原则和Verschueren (2000)的顺应论的有机结合。本项研究旨在描述中国警察讯问中礼貌语言的使用情况并阐明其功能。因此论文采用的是描述分析性研究方法。
本文首先以Leech (1983)的礼貌原则为描述工具,分类描述了所收集的语料中讯问人员的礼貌语言使用情况。语料中的礼貌语言主要体现了礼貌原则中的得体原则,赞誉原则,一致原则和同情原则,其中作者从减轻被讯问者刑事责任的角度详细探讨了得体原则在警察讯问语言中的应用。
其后,本文以Verschueren (2000)的顺应论为分析工具,探讨了讯问人员的礼貌语言对社交世界和心理世界的顺应。讯问人员的礼貌语言不仅顺应了社会环境而且顺应了自己对被讯问者的心理世界的假设,其中包括被讯问者的性格、情感、信念、愿望和意图。
The present study looks into the interrogator’s employment of linguistic politeness in Chinese police interrogation from a pragmatic perspective. We draw on such a theoretical framework based on a combination of Leech’s (1983) Politeness Principle and Verschueren’s (2000) Theory of Adaptation. The aim of this study is to describe the employment of linguistic politeness and explore its functions in Chinese police interrogation. With a conclusion drawn after the analysis of the data collected, this research is a qualitative research instead of a quantitative one.
With Leech’s (1983) Politeness Principle as a descriptive tool, the interrogator’s employment of linguistic politeness in the data collected falls into four categories-the applications of the four maxims of the Politeness Principle (Tact Maxim, Approbation Maxim, Agreement Maxim and Sympathy Maxim). Among them, the application of the Tact Maxim is specified in more detail from the aspect of mitigating the interrogee’s criminal responsibility.
With Verschueren’s (2000) Theory of Adaptation as an explanatory tool, the thesis explores the dynamic adaptation to the social and mental world that takes place in the interrogator’s linguistic politeness production. The politeness in the interrogator’s language is found to adapt especially to the social settings and the interrogator’s assessment of the interrogee’s mental world (personality, emotions, beliefs, wishes and desires, motivations and intentions).
The interrogator adopts linguistic politeness to adapt to the social and mental world with the ultimate purpose of approaching points of satisfaction for his communicative needs-ensuring the legitimacy and the smooth or even favorable progress of police interrogation and encouraging or persuading the interrogee to make a confession, the two of which can actually be regarded as the functions of linguistic politeness in police interrogation.
This thesis may deepen the understanding of linguistic politeness and its functions in Chinese police interrogation. It is also hoped that the police can conduct interrogations more effectively when they know more about linguistic politeness and make proper use of it.
Seeing that ‘harmonious society’ has become a heated topic in both academia and daily life in China, hopefully, the present study can encourage the interrogator to employ linguistic politeness, rather than force, and hence can make certain contributions to building a harmony in police interrogation and building a harmonious society.
Law as Literature: The Art of Benjamin Cardozo’s Rhetoric
Benjamin N. Cardozo, America’s most celebrated state common law judge, was a proponent of law as literature. The greatness of Cardozo does not merely lies in his attention to justice, his emphasis on the purpose of law, and for his majestic description of the relationship between policy and precedent in his books and opinions. The success of his books and opinions were also due in part to their distinction as literature.
法律是一门言词的职业。现代社会经济高度发展,国际间交流日益增多,突出了法律文本的中英文互译的重要性。要准确翻译法律文本,需理解法律英语的特征。由于其历史渊源和职业需要,法律英语大量运用术语,正式词语和情态动词,句式复杂冗长。本文从法律英语的特征入手,结合作者几年来从各类正式出版的法律文本或法律英语教材中出现的翻译错误的分析,以法律出版社所出的《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》英译本中的一些句子为例, 试图找到误译和不当翻译的问题所在,并寻求相应的对策。
The law is a profession of words (David Mallinkoff). With the rapid social and economic development, there are increasing international communications, which often involves the translation of legal documents between Chinese and English. Due to its origin and the characteristics of the legal profession, legal English bears many distinct features. Full awareness and comprehension of these features is a must in translating legal documents. From this perspective, the author analyzed some inappropriateness, even mistakes in the published translation of legal documents, tries to find the reasons for these mistakes and inappropriateness in order to figure out better strategies in the translation of legal documents.
合同英语具有用词正式的特点,具体体现之一就是大量地使用成语介词。本研究依据《美国传统词典》确定了106个成语介词,编写了程序在规模皆为约1000万词次的“合同英语语料库”和“New York Times新闻语料库”中进行遍历式地搜索成语介词,并抽取出共现语境。对数据结果分析后可得出结论:成语介词在“合同英语语料库”和“New York Times新闻语料库”中的分布率、覆盖率及使用总量等方面都有不同;成语介词在搭配上有着明显的倾向性。
“Li” and Quasi Fuzzy Expressions of Legal Language
法律语言中,有一部分词语我们称作“准”模糊词语。“准”模糊,是指那些由社会日常用语中的精确词语转化为法律模糊词语的词语,换句话说,就是一些在非法律生活中词义比较精确的词语,一旦进入法律语用环境,词义就变得模糊起来了。法律“准”模糊词语主要有三大类型。第一类,“可以”、“必须”、“应当”型,这种类型法律模糊词语多数由助动词充当,其词语意义比较抽象,它们一般没有可以对应的“语词对象” ,其语词意义只表明行为规定的方式;第二类“怀孕妇女”型,这种类型是指在日常社会用语中属于精确词语,一旦进入法律语体,其语义就即变得模糊起来了。这种类型词语的精确内核保证着词语意义的正确表达;第三类“礼”型类,这类模糊词语,是指在法律语境中其意义繁多而又难以统一,不同的含义服务于不同的法律诉求。
Some of the expressions in legal language are termed as quasi fuzzy expressions, which refer to those derived from the accurate words in daily use, namely, the relatively accurate words in non-legal life. Once such words enter the legal pragmatic situation, their meanings become fuzzy. There are three types of quasi fuzzy expressions. The first is the type of “may”, “must” and “shall”. This type consists of auxiliary verbs with abstract meanings in the majority. These verbs usually do not have corresponding equivalences, and their meanings only refer to the mode of acts. The second is the type of gravida, which refers to the accurate words in daily use. Once such words enter legal stylistics, their meanings become fuzzy. The accurate core of this type avouches for correct word meanings. The third is the type of “li”, which refers to the legal suits with various meanings. Such meanings are difficult to be unified, and different meanings serve different suits.
Forensic Linguistics Research in Evidence
Linguistic evidence is an important notion and area of forensic linguistics in the world, and covers a wide range of contents. In a sense, forensic linguistics is research on linguistic evidence and the research in this domain has formed its own vivid features and theoretical framework. In legal practice, the research and application on linguistic evidence is of much important significance. Therefore, this paper is to focus on the basic concepts and research area of linguistic evidence, and to probe into some crucial problems, combining it with the circumstances of China.
A Study on the Wording of the Translation of Legal Terminology
This article elaborates the special wording features of legal terminology, emphasizes the importance of accuracy, preciseness, appropriateness and cross-culture in the translation of legal terminology and proposes the idea that wording is one of the most important factors in the translation of legal terminology.
Toward the Metacognitive Reading Strategies and the Information Decoding of Legal Documents
Metacognition refers to the series of skills in self construction and adjustment in all cognitive areas. Successful learners have acquired many metacognitive strategies to meet requirements in different learning contexts. Metacognitive reading strategies play a positive role in the process of reading such as controlling the information flow, monitoring and supervising the process of cognition. With the presentation of the cognitive theory and the reading models. With further introduction of the strategies, based on cognitive theory, applied in reading comprehension, several approaches in decoding information of legal documents are explored. Hence the inspiration in language teaching are drawn with the employment of metacognitive reading strategies.
The Reasoning Process in American Courts----A Case Study
American courts at all levels have a tradition of applying logical reasoning in handling cases. There are 4 popular types of reasoning, such as rule-based reasoning, analogical reasoning, policy-based reasoning, and narrative reasoning, which are served as the essential skills or fundamentals for all the judges, lawyers, and law students. A case about an attempted bomb in a flight from Paris to Miami involves how to establish the facts, interpret the statutes, and apply the precedents, and it even forms a challenge to the Federal courts. The local court gives a reasonable and scientific interpretation to the 2 disputed words, transportation and vehicle by successfully applying rules-based reasoning and analogical reasoning in handling the case and establishes a precedent to the following concerned verdicts.
--叙事分析法(Statement Analysis)引介
A Review of Deception Detection Methods in Criminal Witness Statements
----An Introduction of Statement Analysis
谎言识别一直是法学界、心理学界及法律语言学界研究的热点和焦点问题。在刑事询问笔录中,识别犯罪嫌疑人、被害人及证人供述和陈述的真实性或虚假性,对于能否成功破案及证据能否被法庭采纳具有至关重要的作用。探索一种操作性较强、成本较低、准确率较高且高效的谎言识别手段,对于中外司法实践具有重要意义。数十年来,西方学术界积极探索谎言识别的各种途径,并重点通过叙事分析法(Statement Analysis)进行谎言识别的实验研究,不断完善该项识别手段,努力付诸实践。1954年,德国最高法院甚至明确允许专家证人采纳叙事分析法证明缺乏相关证据的儿童虐待案例中陈述的真实性或虚假性。而在中国的司法实践中,通过语言手段探索谎言识别的方法相对较少,而且主要通过高端仪器如测谎仪进行识别,成本高,可操作性不够强。因此,引介叙事分析法进行谎言识别十分必要。本文对西方的相关研究成果综合评介,横向介绍目前最常用且仍然在不断发展完善的叙事分析法的几种形式—Criteria-Based Content Analysis (CBCA), Statement Validity Assessment (SVA), The Scientific Content Analysis(SCAN), Reality Monitoring (RM)及Adams的分析方法进行综述,总结其优点及不足之处,并对这些识别方法在中国司法实践中的适用性进行探索。本文最后指出尚需解决的一些问题,笔者期待能抛砖引玉,希望以后的研究者更加关注叙事分析法,对之完善,更好地服务于中国的司法实践中。
Detecting deception is always a hot issue in the legal, psychological and forensic linguistic fields of the academic arena. The veracity or deception of a criminal witness statement is of crucial importance to decide whether a case can be resolved or not, and to the admission of evidence in court. To explore a method of deception detection with high accessibility, low cost, high accuracy and efficiency is of crucial importance for judicial practice at home and abroad. For dozens of years, western academic arena has probed into various methods for detecting deception, with the emphasis on statement analysis which has been developed into varied forms and been put into judicial practice. The Supreme Court of Germany mandated in 1954 that expert testimony regarding the veracity of victim’s accounts be presented in all contested child abuse cases lacking corroborating evidence. However, for China’s judicial practice, few Chinese researchers have devoted themselves to the study of deception detection in a linguistic approach. The major detection method is to employ equipments with high cost and less operability such as polygraphs. As a consequence, it is of necessity to introducing statement analysis for detecting deception. This paper reviewed related research achievements, introducing the frequently used and still improving forms of statement analysis----Criteria-Based Content Analysis (CBCA), Statement Validity Assessment (SVA), The Scientific Content Analysis (SCAN), Reality Monitoring (RM) and Adams’ detection method. The advantages and problems of those methods are stated in this paper, which will be helpful and beneficial for their applicability in China’s judicial practice. The author tries to draw the attention of China’s legal practitioners, and hopes that later researchers put much effort in detecting deception with the method of statement analysis.
With the participation of parties during the trial, utterance type switches constantly. Information known by one party may shared with another party, or it may be exposed to everyone present. It may also be the case that some information remains a dispute. Accompanying the switches are various reactions, including intentions of the parties, the effect of the switch, and the attitudes of the prosecution and the defendant, etc. If we compare the development of the utterance types during the trial to a river, then we’ll find that beneath the seemingly calm river are twists, swirls, change of courses and even adverse current and so on. This thesis is a tentative investigation into the changes beneath the surface of the information flow. Analysis of these processes will enable us to better understand the standpoints, language strategies of the parties, and how much each party contributes to the flow of the information. This thesis aims to help the readers to better understand trial utterances, with the hope to enlighten the legal professionals on their work.
The impact of the judge’s language in the law court on fuzziness elimination
Our law should be explicit .Only by this can it bring into power; the administration of justice can be carried out; its outcome will be in accordance with the legislator’s wish and the law will provide us with correct role models. However, we can find fuzziness in law language because of some reasons. Fuzziness passes through the whole process of legislation and administration of justice but the result must be definite. Fuzziness of law language is a phenomenon that law workers have tried to eliminate but find it hard to do so. This paper discusses the impact of the judge’s language in the law court on fuzziness elimination by taking law court activity as the last stage to eliminate fuzziness.
随着法律语言学这门学科的发展,研究法庭言语行为的人越来越多。 法庭言语行为指法庭上那些具有法律效力的言语行为。法庭言语行为的目的是揭露事实真相,获取真实信息,达到审判的目的。庭审话语的言语行为十分复杂和多变,信息的流动也错综复杂,目的性极强。在法庭审判中,我们可以通过信息的流动来分析法庭言语行为的目的指向性;又由于言语传达目的,所以我们可以通过目的来分析言语行为及信息的流动。从总体来看,审判是一个以言行事的“大言语行为”,其目的是“全面审查认定案件事实”、“适用法律”、“作出判决”。法庭言语活动中最主要的言语行为功能是指令功能、表述行为功能、获取信息功能、确认功能、陈述事实/意见功能、请求功能、劝诫功能等。在法庭言语行为中,不论是法官的发话,公诉人的问话,还是被告人的答话,都与信息有关。在法律实践中,语篇信息处理是语篇生成和使用的中心环节。在庭审话语中,发话人,问话人及答话人之间会话的目的便是为了信息的获取与交换。本文试图从信息在庭审话语中的流动来分析法庭言语行为,初步总结出法庭言语行为的功能及言语行为的目的,希望对人们理解法庭言语行为有所帮助。
With the development of forensic linguistics, more and more researchers engage in courtroom speech acts. Courtroom speech acts are different from those used in everyday discourses in that they carry legal force , disclose the truth, get genuine information so as to accomplish the aim of courtroom trial. As the same as the speech acts in courtroom discourse, information flow in legal discourse are diverse and complex and with strong intention. We could analysis the intended-orientation of courtroom speech acts through information flow in a courtroom trial. We could also analysis speech acts and information flow through intention in that intention could be conveyed by speech acts. Generally speaking, a courtroom trial is viewed as a macro-speech act which aims to make comprehensive review, determine facts, apply law to facts and render a judgment. The primary functions of speech acts in courtroom discourses are demanding, declaring, information securing, confirming, fact or opinion stating, requesting, persuading, referring, etc. In legal practice, discourse information processing is the key in discourse producing and employing. In courtroom speech acts, the discourse among the judge, the public prosecutor and the appellee serve the purpose of information exchange and acquisition. This paper endeavors to analysis courtroom speech acts from the perspective of information flow in courtroom discourse. I sincerely hope that my attempts may be useful in enhancing readers’ full understanding of courtroom speech acts.
To Promote Legal English Teaching with the On-Line Classroom
Legal English is considered by the educators as “another foreign language” because of its unique characteristic on vocabulary and structure, therefore the teaching of legal English is by no means an easy task, which is depended on the following three factors: teachers, students and the materials. (Is the teacher qualified on both law and English? Is the student equipped with the basic knowledge of learning legal English? Is the material suitable for the student?) In fact, the present legal English teaching in China is barely satisfied according to the above three criteria. To promote legal English teaching, the resources of on-line classroom should not be neglected. On the one hand, on-line classroom tends to effectively solve the problem related with the teacher, the student and the material; on the other hand, on-line classroom, based on Students Autonomy and Task-based Approach, stimulates the students’ learning interest and enthusiasm, which definitely guarantees a better learning result.
Chinese four-character phrases are widely used in the legal language because of their compendiousness, accuracy, strictness and rhetoric effects. This paper is focused on the English translation of Chinese four-character phrases in legal language. After giving a definition of Chinese four-character phrases in legal language, the writer makes an overall introduction of their classification and features. Based on this, the writer analyzes the translation theories that can guide the English translation of Chinese four-character phrases, including the principles of “faithfulness”, “equivalence”, “language functions” and “cultural communication”. Considering these theories as the general principles and paying attention to the features of Chinese four-character phrases, the writer points out several practical translation principles, including comprehensive and accurate comprehension of the original, understandability, accuracy, naturalness and smoothness of the translation, and adoption of common practice. Guided by these principles, the writer puts forward several useful translation techniques, including literal translation, literal translation plus explanation and free translation. Finally, the writer concludes that the translator should flexibly adopt these techniques and choose the best one according to the context and cultural connotation of Chinese four-character phrases in legal language.
Interpersonal Function of Process Control in Question and Response of Criminal Court
This study explores interpersonal function of process control in question-response of criminal court, applying legal discourse information structure theory. The aim is to reveal what process control means to different participants, and to investigate how to realize balance between prosecution and defense and protect the legal rights and interests of the accused.
Generally, participants in criminal court include judges, public prosecutors, defenders, the accused and witnesses. Judges have the right to ask questions of other participants. The accused and witnesses are required to give response. Prosecutors and defenders can raise questions to the accused and witnesses, but meanwhile, they are controlled by judges’ questions. This rule results in asymmetrical power relation between questioners and responders.
We find, in the data extracted from the Corpus of Legal Information Processing System (CLIPS), the two modes of process control: anticipative control and follow-up control. Questioners arrange question serials before questioning. If responders are not cooperative, questioners adjust follow-up questions to realize process control. Hence there are alternation and combination of the two modes in courtroom question-response. By contraries, responders are unable to control the process.
The differences in information structures of courtroom examination conducted by judges, prosecutors and defenders are studied. It is revealed that process control enables narratives and reasoning of prosecutors and defenders and their persuasion of judges, while the roles of the accused and witnesses are furnishing materials and evidence. On the other hand, prosecutors, defenders and judges achieve their own purpose and perform their respective duty with process control. Only when judges exercise courtroom examination in a timely and impartial manner and grant equal opportunities of questioning to both prosecution and defense can the legal rights and interests of the accused be protected.
This article may enrich the study of legal discourse, enlarge the knowledge of the nature of courtroom question-response and provide suggestions for the reform of criminal court procedure.
中国社会科学院民族学与人类学研究所 中央司法警官学院
The “and” and “or” in the Normative Documents of Law
——analyzed by the examples in the Criminal Law of the PRC.
规范性法律文件中 “和”与“或者”是使用较多的两个连词,“和”、“或者”在规范性法律文件中所表达的语义,与日常生活中的语义有变异。本文以《中华人民共和国刑法》为例,分析了“和”、“或者”的使用规律,及其语义特点。
The conjunctions “and” and “or” are frequently used in the normative documents of law where their meanings are different from their normal usage. This paper aims to analyze their law of usage and features of semantic meaning in the Criminal Law of the PRC.
qukevin@vip.sina.com qu_kevin@hotmail.com
——评Susan Šarčević 的《法律翻译新探》及其在中国的影响
近年来,研究法律翻译的学者以及这一领域的学术文章在数目上均逐渐地增多了起来。法律翻译研究在我国的方兴未艾与一个人和她的作品分不开——这就是Susan Šarčević 及她的《法律翻译新探》。
自1997年Susan Šarčević 教授在世界权威的法律专业图书出版公司——克鲁沃出版社(Kluwer Law International)——出版她的专著《法律翻译新探》(New Approach to Legal Translation)以来,一晃已经过去了10年。
光阴荏苒,10年的时间弹指挥间。然10年来,《法律翻译新探》虽从未正式引入国内出版或影印发行,但由于互联网加快了信息有无的沟通,本书已在法律翻译者中悄然流行了起来。单将书名(New Approach to Legal Translation)作为检索词来看,它的引用率已经十分惊人。“十年译论飘香过,译路梨花华夏开”,可以毫不夸张地说,《法律翻译新探》已成为我国学者中引用率最高的学术专著之一。
A Wrong Name
——A Comment about International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Liu Dasheng(刘大生), professor in The Administrative College of Jiangsu Province. His theories include: constitutional party’s power, standard to birth, human rights of bad people, stratification of law, death to equal, political child labor, white horses not white horses, two levels of governments.
Translated by: Shen Anqi(沈安琪), post-graduate student in The Administrative College of Jiangsu Province
In semantics, in logic and in the contents as well, the name —— International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights is wrong. The Covenant should be renamed as the International Covenant on Bodily and Political Rights.
A Study on Legal Cultural Differences in Court Interpreting and Applicable Principles and Strategies
Participants in a court trial of a criminal case involving foreign nationals include legal professionals and the defendant. Thanks to different education backgrounds, legal cultures, traditions and customs, legal cultural differences are not uncommon during court proceedings. To ensure smooth progress of court proceedings, protect legitimate rights of the defendant, and maintain justice, Court interpreters should be able to identify such differences and adopt appropriate strategies governed by scientific principles. The present study, with a view to enhancing the quality and promoting standardization of court interpreting, first addresses the nature and categories of legal cultural differences in court interpreting of criminal cases and then, within the theoretical framework of functional translation, explores applicable guiding principles and practical strategies. The last part of the present study is dedicated to an empirical analysis on interpreting of evidence challenge during the court inquiry stage, defense in the court argument stage, and expressions of demand and plea in the final statement stage.
Defining and Translating Terms from a Legal Perspective
本文作者在主体部分对法律英语的一些词汇在法律背景下的理解和翻译进行了分析。作者首先分析了“unilateral contract”和“bilateral contract”在英美法中的具体含义,并把这两个词组与中国法律中的“单务合同”和“双务合同”加以比较,最后得出这两个英文词组与汉语的“单务合同”、“双务合同”并非指同一概念。接着,作者分析了“legal person”与“法人”的含义,并引用了一段发人深省的说明,以此阐明“legal person”并非汉语中的“法人”。作者分析的第三组词包括“enforcement”、“independent contractor”和“in consideration of”。这组词的特点是英美法中,特别是英美合同法中经常使用,但中国法律中却没有相对应的概念。作者最后分析了两个多义词,即“claim”和“execute”这样的多义词。
To begin with, the essay points out different status of legal documents prepared in different languages. In terms of law, most countries or regions officialize one language; In terms of contract, the parties usually provide the validity of the contracts in different languages. The two languages of contracts are treated in the following four ways: 1. Both versions are authentic and valid; 2. Both versions are authentic and valid, but in case of discrepancy between the two language versions, one version shall prevail; 3. The agreement has been negotiated and signed in one language. Another version prepared is mere translation for convenience sake; 4. The validity of the languages is not stipulated in the contracts. Even so, the translation of a single word could mean favor to one party as is shown in a Hong Kong case.
In the body, a couple of legal terms are analyised from the legal perspective. In the first instance, the connotation of “unilateral contract” and “bilateral contract” in the legal context is explored. Furthermore, this pair are compared with two similar Chinese concepts “单务合同”and“双务合同”, with the conclusion that these two pairs do not refer to the same concepts. In addition, the difference between “legal person” and “法人”is demonstrated by quoting an enlightening passage. The third group of terms to be expounded are “enforcement”, “independent contractor” and “in consideration of”, which are all concepts unique to common-law system. Finally, different usages and translations of “claim” and “execute” are clarified.
Narrative Structure in Law and Literature Discourse
Despite its deep roots in culture and civilization, Law and Literature movement is still a relatively new and emerging field of study. It is a distinct discipline, and a true inter-discipline, involving fundamental issues from the humanities, the social science, and even the natural sciences. Law and Literature, with its large-scale field of study, can be classified into two main categories according to their methodologies and approaches--- “Law in Literature” and “Law as Literature”. “Law in Literature” emphasizes the study of the legal descriptions in novels and dramas. “Law as Literature” applies literary criticism theories and approaches to legal text reading and interpreting, including constitutions, positive laws, judgments, administrative regulations and judicial opinions. Thus sometimes it is called “Literature in Law”.
This essay first illustrates the relationship of law and literature, and makes a comparison of “law in literature” and “law as literature”;
Secondly, tracing the history of western legal literature, the author analyzes the typical plotting and theme of classical legal novels, and reaffirms the human values in law and literature;
Thirdly, the essay introduces the narrative structure of criminal and detective novels in history and the influential significance.
Doubtless, both law and literature have to confront with texts. A common denominator in all of these approaches to doing Law and Literature is that they are shaped by the teaching and study Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice, Bronte’s Wuthering Heights, etc. Legal practitioners shall cultivate independent ethical ideas and political standpoint by reading classic literary canon. Literature, by means of probing into human nature, gives us unique insights into the understanding of laws.
一、 语法、标点符号使用规范
二、 法律语意表述规范
三、 法律语用规范
现实生活中存在着法律的稳定性与社会现实的多变性、法律的滞后性与社会关系的复杂性、法律的普遍性与个案的特殊性等矛盾,为了公平正义的需要,各国法律都在不同程度上存在着一定的弹性。立法者设置一定程度的法律弹性, 其目的就是给解释者和执法者预留出相应的空间。
The Influence of Information Control on the Investigation of Cases in the Courtroom
—— From the Aspects of Conversational Structure and Information Flow
The purpose of court investigation is to find out the truth of the case, and the way of finding out the truth is to collect relevant information. Only by collecting enough information, can the truth of the case being unveiled, and finally, can the court make fair and square judgment. Considering this, the process of court hearing can be regarded as a process during which participants control the information flow in order to collect relevant information.
On different stages of the hearing, or under different conditions, the information flow is controlled by different participants. And the transformation of the control of information happens when turn-taking in the hearing is realized. By analyzing conversations in the hearing, the author tries to prove, from the aspect of conversation control and information flow, the possible influence that the control of information flow may have on the investigation of the case and on the protection of the rights and interests of parties to the case.
In this paper, fist of all, previous studies on conversation structure and information flow will be reviewed. And then the definition and classification of information flow will be offered based on research of some other experts and the analysis of the author. According to these theories, the author will explore the relationship between the turn-taking in the hearing and the control of the information flow. Finally, the author will come to the conclusion that because of the differences of aims and interests of the parties to the case, different participants having different aims in controlling information have different impacts on information flow. Accordingly, the author argues that the balance of chances of controlling information is very important for making a fair judgment.
Court is a quite special context in which the language used by the parties are apparently antithetical. Moreover, the solemnity of the court and its representation of the national power decide that the process of court hearing must under certain restrictions. With such a special feature and the obvious purpose of court hearing, the major form for developing court discourse is question-answer form which largely exists in the court hearing of criminal cases. In the question-answer section of a court hearing of a criminal case, one party is the public prosecutors who are trying to prove that the accused is/are guilty, whereas the other party is the accused and his defender who are striving to persuade the audience and the court that the accused is/are not guilty or his/their crime is not so serious. In the question-answer section, there is another party representing national power—the judges who need to find out the truth. The information from these three parties plays an important role in developing the court discourse. It can even be considered as the driving force of the development of the court discourse. We noticed that question is the major form for these three parties to give information. Moreover, a linguistic phenomenon always is found hiding in question at court, which is presupposition. Records of court hearings of three criminal cases are taken from the CLIPS as the target of the research of this paper. With the help of legal discourse information structure theory and information flow theory, this paper used theory on presupposition to study the presupposition in the questions of the public prosecutor and the defender and how these presuppositions have effect in the developing of the court discourse in order to find out how to use presupposition to help the parties to better complete their goals. Furthermore, through the study of presupposition in the questions of the judges, this paper discussed under the judicial reform, when adjusting their roles at court, what the judges should change on their language used at court.
An Empirical Study on the Teaching of English for Law
This paper offers an empirical perspective upon the problems in the teaching of English for law. The author tries to probe into the category of “English for Law” and the orientation of the teaching objectives thereof. The findings are expected to have some practical and researchful implications for improving the teaching of English for law.
The Procedure and Standard of Legal Translation in Practice
Translation and its standard are an often mentioned issue in the field of language, so does the legal translation and its standard. But the procedure and translation of legal language are seldom mentioned together by people in the relative field. Inside and outside china there are many theories relating to the standard of translation, for example Yanfu’s xinDaYa , literal translation and free translation. While the specialty of legal translation demands the combination of its basic principle with its actual legal translation practice.
The function, legality and characteristics of legal language require that in the process of its understanding and translation we must take legality as premise, true expression of intention as standard. The principle of legality is the fundamentals of a legal translation draft. True expression of intention as a standard does not require the seeming meeting of original language and its target language. Instead it demands loyalty to its original content, intention and substance, which requires that translators must abide by a certain procedure. The standard of legal translation and its enabling procedure will be discussed in this paper.
法律英语中有相对固定的定语从句句式,也有数量不少的定语从句结构复杂,形式多样,句子冗长,且有先行词扎堆的情况,以及具有状语语义的法律英语定语从句等,在理解与翻译上造成困难。本文以合同、协议、法条、判例等文本中的典型的定语从句为例, 分析探讨如何理解与翻译法律英语定语从句。
The study of the textual cohesion has attracted wide attention both at home and abroad, and certain achievements have been made in this respect. Based on the theories of the textual function of Halliday and Hasan’s systematic functional grammar, this paper introduces in detail such cohesive devices as reference, ellipsis, repetition, collocation, etc. by the introduction of the two major cohesive devices—grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion. From the empirical analysis of five English legal texts (legislative texts and judicial texts), the writer makes statistics of the frequency of each cohesive device for the discussion of appropriate translation of the cohesive devices in the English legal texts, and analyzes how these cohesive devices, in combination of the external factors (social and cultural factors, psychological and cognitive factors) and internal elements (cohesive mechanism), exert influence on the textual cohesion.
lihpb@lenovo.net wenxingyuan@hotmail.com
The present study, from a linguistic perspective, probes into the three functions in relation to the executive goals in the oral English in police foreign cases of certificates. Halliday’s three metafunctions including experiential function, interpersonal metafunction and textual metafunction serve as the effective tool to find out such linguistic characteristics as transitivity, mood, modality and theme progression in the oral conversation in processing certificates. It is found that material process accounts for the highest frequency; verbal process and relation process also play the important role. Mood of statement dominates the whole conversation. In terms of the modality, modulation is mainly used to define the obligation and inclination between two parties in the conversation. The constant theme pattern and constant Rheme pattern are employed to ensure the cohesion and the completeness of the information.
The certainty of law is a basic requirement of rule of law. The factors affect the certainty of law are complicated. The present paper discusses the results linguistic signs act on law both theoretically and by case study, mainly within the academic angle. The negative effect that linguistic signs act on the certainty of law is not only a problem of the linguistic sign itself, but also a multifaceted problem, as well as a problem we have to face long-term, but never can be thoroughly resolved.
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Pragmatic Framework and Legal Discourse: A Link between Two Professions
Reported in this paper is the study focusing on two major issues related to discourse in the legal field: (1) the classification of legal discourse and, (2) the role of pragmatic framework in discourse analysis in the legal field. What is discussed here represents efforts of researchers in the gray area between two professional fields: linguistics as one and law as the other.
Following a data-based approach, all discourses in the legal field can be divided into three major types: written discourse, spoken discourse and bilingual discourse. All written legal documents, from the constitution of the country to a contract between any two entities, share some similar characteristics, such as formality in style, complexity in structure, and technicality in terminology. Spoken discourse, on the other hand, covers all language activities in the judiciary process, with monologue, dialogue, and multi-speaker speech events, such as a trial that involves the judge(s), the attorneys on both sides, the witnesses, the interpreters if applicable, and the silent participants of the jurors in some legal systems. The term bilingual discourse is used here loosely to refer to any discourse, either written or spoken, that may involve the use of languages or dialects in addition to the dominating language.
Numerous studies can be found on written legal discourse (e.g. Mellinkoff 1963, Bhatia et al. 2008), an increasing number of studies can also be found on spoken discourse in the legal field (e.g. Levi & Walker 1990, Shuy 2006), but few that focus on the multitudinous amount and types of discourse in this last category, in which languages, dialects, cultures and sub-cultures entangle, are available. By the nature of its linguistic complexity and multi-cultural setting, the analysis of bilingual discourse inevitably involves factors in sociolinguistics. That’s where pragmatic framework comes in.
Based on actual data from legal cases, the speaker will try to cover the following aspects in the discussion: (1) What is pragmatic framework? (2) What are its key roles in communication? (3) How do we understand legal discourse in light of pragmatic framework?
Pragmatic Framework and Legal Discourse: A Link between Two Professions
International business English is an important language tool for people to pursue international business activities. The translation on legal documents of international business English has been great important in the trade field. Translation is a process of information handling. The only available way of making readers get the accurate information we can take is to realize the efficiency equivalence in translation,ensuring to produce the translation version as faithful as possible to the original version. This paper aims at the further exploration to the translation on the legal documents of international business English based on Nida’s Functional Equivalency, and mainly deals with the following aspects: the language characteristics of the legal documents of international business English, semantic information equivalency and stylistic information equivalency.
On a Lawyer’s Reasoning
This paper, on the basis of such theories as information flow and information transfer, is to analyze the situation in which information flows and transfers in the process of a lawyer’s reasoning. It is expected that I can find out how information flows and transfers in the process of a lawyer’s reasoning.
法律英语中subject to的用法
subject to构成的短语在法律英语中经常出现,通过分析其在法律英语中作状语和表语的用法,我们可以看出subject to组成的短语具有法律语言的特征,已成为对外经贸业务中所固有的专业术语。
The phrase “subject to” is frequently used in the legal text of English. By analyzing the function as an adverbial and predictive in the legal text of English, we can see this phrase has become a special professional expression in the legal and business English and we should pay more attention to its usage.
The Study of Judge’s Speeches from the Perspective of Information Flow Theory
The judge plays an important role in the court procedure. The judge’s speeches not only reflect the quality of the Chinese court trial, but also are related to the image of Chinese judges and the dignity of China’s legal system. So, the judge is the most important participant in court in China, and controls the whole court procedure and the development of the trial. In court, the judge manages the whole trial by means of language, so the judge’s speech is so important that it helps the judge coordinate with the public prosecutor, the defense counsel and the accused, explore the information related to the case, and make the trial fair and just. This essay has two main focuses. The first is how the judge uses his or her speeches to dig out the information he or she wants. The second is how the judge uses his or her speaking strategy to let the information flow move on. Though there exist many researches on the judge’s speeches from the perspective of the power theory, and many researchers thought that the judge totally controlled the whole court procedure, the judge’s power in court is only one aspect of the researches of judge’s speeches. The main function of the judge is still to let the trial move on, dig out the important information of the case and make the trial fair and just. In this essay, I study the judge’s speeches mainly in court investigation and court debating. Because court investigation and court debating are two components appearing in every trial, its university makes the research on the judge’s speeches in the above two periods meaningful and significance. This essay is just an attempt to study how the information in court moves on and give a viewpoint of research on the judge’s speeches from the perspective of the information flow theory.
A Study on Persuasion in Court Conciliation
Court conciliation aims to help parties to the case settle their disputes through judges’ conciliation. In this process, it has been a heatedly discussed issue how judges use effective persuasion to facilitate parties to reach conciliation settlements on a voluntary and equal basis. This paper, based on the “Legal discourse tree information structure” proposed by Du Jinbang, and with reference to relevant persuasion theories, analyzes the features of persuasion in court conciliation, the shifting of judges’ roles and the means of information processing during persuasion. Through analysis, it is found that court conciliation is an interactive and reciprocal persuasion process during which judges and parties are both persuaders and persuadees. To facilitate conciliation and be persuasive, judges use various information processing means such as information repetition, information addition, information omission and information transition to intensify the favorable information and downplay the unfavorable. This paper explores features and information processing means of persuasion in court conciliation, which can hopefully provide judges with a reference for persuasive conciliation by effectively handling information and using language.
Evidentiality in Chinese lawyers’ Statements: A Pragmatic Approach
As one of the most effective instruments that lawyers utilize to elaborate their opinions, to support or to defend against accuzations Laywers’ statements are usually worked out to enhance their persuasiveness. Specifically, how layers process the information concerned and what their attitudes towards knowledge are of vital importance. One of the significant linguistic means to present their atttidudes towards knowledge (information) is evidentials, a special type of linguistic forms that are contextually capable of expressing evidentiality.
The present study is undertaken to probe into three questions: (1) what are the linguistic manifestations of evidentials, and how about their frequency of occurence? (2) why are they frequently used? (3) how can they enhance the persuasiveness of the statements?
By applying Veschueren’s Linguistic Adaptation Theory and Chafe’s theory of Evidentiality, the present study has obtained the followng the findings: (1) evidentials are prevalent in Chinese lawyers’ statements, and phrase evidentials in Chinese statements are the most preferred among five syntactic structures (namely, morpheme, word, phrase, clause, and sentence); (2) evidentials are carefully employed to adapt to the physical, social and mental worlds of varying contexts; (3) evidentiality is enhanced by propositions with evidential meanings, each concerned proposition may have more than one evidentials expressing the same kind of evidential meaning; propositions with few kinds of evidential meaning do not necessarily mean that they are less reliable than those with more.
It is believed that the present study will contribute to the development of the theory of evidentiality, especially the interpretation of evidential meaning in a discourse. Furthermore, it will help lawyers establish their sensitivity of evidentility in their writing of statements.
On Legal Foreign Language Teaching Model in China: A Comparative Study
The paper compares the teaching model for legal foreign language in the foreign languages department of three universities (China University of Political Science and Law, East China University of Political Science and Law, Northwest University of Politics and Law), including teaching method, curriculum planning, textbook chosen, and faculty training. The feature of current legal foreign language teaching has been summarized, and the result of the questionnaire survey held among the students in the three universities has been given in this paper, which show the current feature of legal foreign language teaching from the learner’s point of view. Finally, the paper opens up the problem existing in the legal foreign language teaching, and puts forward the author’s view about the legal foreign language teaching in the future.
The Study of Synchrony and Diachrony on Legal Translation
The essence of legal translation is the replacement of textual material in one language by equivalent textual material in another language, which should be restricted by synchrony and diachrony of the legal translation. The former denotes its diversity and identity while the later means its variety, which is marked by a current trend of plain English movement in legal translation. This paper briefly surveys the study of legal translation in terms of the ways mentioned above and explores new ideas and methods under the guide of constructivism.
Testimony is a declaration or statement made under oath or affirmation by a witness to establish part or whole of a fact. Witness’s testimony provides important proof for the judicial department to detect the truth of a case and try the case, which makes it irreplaceably significant in legal practice. However in police-witness interviews, police are in firm control of the floor. They ask whatever question they like and interrupt the witnesses from time to time. Questions they ask are mainly polarity questions or blank-filling questions. From a critical perspective, this paper first analyzes some linguistic strategies employed by police in police-witness discourse. Then some explanations are given to justify their linguistic strategies. In this way, this paper helps to unveil the inequality of power relations between police and witnesses hidden in the discourse.
从手段来看,谎言的产生手段有捏造、隐瞒、暗示、伪装四种类型。捏造就是杜撰莫须有的信息, 隐瞒就是掩盖关键的信息, 暗示就是用含混、闪烁、隐约、间接的方式故意给人造成错误的印象,伪装就是假装出一种莫须有的状态、氛围、情绪和感情。
A Functional Text Typological Approach to Legal Translation
This thesis conducts a systematic study of legal translation in respect of the legal translator’s subjectivity in his decision-making by integrating macro-level functionalist theories of translation studies with micro-level translation practice. This study notices some problems with the traditional linguistic approach to legal translation study. The traditional linguistic approach sets “equivalence” as the criterion for legal translation. But this criterion is much more idealistic than realistic. And the requirement for definite equivalence extremely suppresses the legal translator’s subjectivity and is thus in contrast to the new trend in legal translation practice as co-drafting is beginning to incorporate legal translators into the legislating process. Therefore this study turns to functionalism which highlights a more practical criterion of “adequacy”: the translation should be “adequate to” the Skopos, the overall purpose of the translational communicative action, and hence renders a new perspective of decision-making to translators. Since functionalism is mainly practiced in the field of general translation and has not been employed to explain the legal translator’s subjectivity in decision-making, this study adapts the functionalist approaches to legal translation particularities with the proposed “functional text typology for legal translation” as the hinge. On the basis of such a typology, the thesis presents a theoretical framework for analysis of the legal translator’s subjectivity in decision-making and paraphrases it into a more operable functionalist decision-making pattern.
Detailed case analysis is made on the basis of the framework and the pattern with focuses on the functionalist description of the process that a translator goes through in order to determine a certain translation strategy and on the factors at different stages of the decision-making process that influence the translator’s choice.
This study finds that, before he finally comes to a decision, a legal translator has to go through a process consisting of hierarchical stages, from pragmatic to lexical, or in terms of translation practice, from identification of the overall Skopos of a translational action to language disposal. His options at the higher stage open up or close off options at the lower stage. The more discretion he has at the higher stage, the larger chance there is for his subjectivity demonstrated at the lower stage. There are constraints of the highest hierarchy, Skopos and loyalty, which functions throughout the whole translating process. And there are also constraints of lower hierarchy, such as the ST syntax, grammatical conventions of the target language, the source function, the ST-sender’s real intent, the interpersonal relationship between the translator and other agents, and etc., which only work at certain stage(s) of the translating process.
很多领域对institutional discourse都有研究,如文学、新闻传播学、政治学、经济学、社会学、教育学、语言学(主要是社会语言学和话语语言学等)。其中文学研究中认为文学语篇是institutional的,复旦大学的陈引驰说“事实上,作为整体的文化活动的文学,不仅是创作主体和文学文本乃至读者接受这些抽象范畴的聚合,而确实是与一定时空的历史、文化、社会境况血肉相联的制度性(institutional)存在。”可以说文学语篇有其规约性conventional,而从institutional角度进行研究的话,就综合了更多的社会因素。在“制度分析与文化传播”一文中,作者认为“传播政治经济学”也需要从institutional角度进行分析。单从语言学的角度看,人们对课堂话语、医患话语、新闻访谈、法庭话语、政论话语等的研究中都引入了institutional discourse的研究方法,有人认为它是“职业话语”的代名词,有人把它翻译成“机构性话语”,在2007年在天津召开的修辞学会分会上,学者们又提出了“领域语言”这一术语,那么这些术语之间到底是什么关系?它们在多大程度上是一致的?
因此,本研究的第一步是分析institutional discourse的所指含义,理清上诉术语之间的关系。本人认为法庭言语可以从institutional角度进行研究,该词组的翻译应该为“制度性话语”,我们可以从社会制度因素的角度来研究法庭言语;
第二,Paul Drew 和John Heritage认为制度性话语具有三个特征:严格限制性、推论特殊性和任务指向性。Thornborrow, J. 则从制度性话语和一般话语的分析着手,认为仅从这三个方面分析还不够,制度性话语的另一个很重要的方面是在“权势power”作用下话语角色之间话语权的极不对称性,这样,她又引入了一个参照因素——权势;那么,法庭言语中各个话语角色之间的权势不对称关系如何?有那些制度性因素造成这些不对称?
鉴于以上分析,目前对于institutional discourse的含义需要进一步的明确,对它的翻译也需统一;法庭话语作为制度性话语中的一种,有待于我们去分析这些社会制度因素及其对法庭言语的影响、在它们作用下的法庭言语特征、以及本研究的意义。
Appraisal Linguistic Resources in Chinese Vs Common-law Civil Judgments of IP Cases
本文运用系统功能语言学评价理论,以两例中外知识产权案终审判决书为语料,对比分析中外同类司法判决书在运用评价型语言资源上的异同,探讨法官如何运用评价型语言资源(态度、介入和级差)陈述“事实”、建构“争点”、解释“判案理由”并最终作出“裁决”。本文认为判决书运用评价型语言资源反映(reflect)并建构(constitute)法律实践/习惯 (legal practice)。本文旨在为正处于改革进程中的中国司法制度提供语言学理据。
This paper, by deploying the Appraisal theory within SFL and employing two appellate judgments of IP cases as data, makes a comparative analysis of the appraisal language resources (Attitude, Engagement and Graduation) in Common-law versus Chinese judgments of IP cases. The author instantiates and analyzes how the appraisal language resources are applied (by judges) to state Facts, construct Issues, construe Rationale, and finalize Holding. Furthermore, the author tries to specify how the language of judgments both reflects and constitutes the social practice of judging in the common law and the civil law. This paper aims to provide the undergoing judicial reform in China with some beneficial linguistic evidence.
The legal English terms teaching is the most important and difficult part in the legal English teaching. The major traditional teaching methods used in this field are “grammar-translation” method, association method and context method. However,the 1980s saw the emergence of “whole language ”approach, which attacked greatly the traditional teaching ideas. On the influence of “whole language” educational philosophy, the “comparative teaching” method is introduced to the legal English terms teaching and will cause the teaching process lively and the students easy to grasp and agile to use legal English terms.
A discussion of the subject of study of the investigating glossology
Abstract: In the past, the investigation glossology focused its studying on the writing and speech’s feature of the subject of crime, as for the writing and speech used by the law enforcement office, there is not any discussion. This article emphasizes that the subject of study of the investigation glossogy include both of them. First, the features of writing and speech used by the subject of crime, second, the features the normative writing and speech used by the law enforcement office.
Based on the research of current education of the English Language of the law, this essay is aiming at defining the essence of the English Language of the law and distinguishing legal English teaching from general English teaching and bilingual teaching in aspects of educational goal, teaching requirements and teaching contents.
The paper also discusses and puts forward the suggestions on the course construction from laying stress on drafting teaching outline、selecting teaching material and teaching methods to strengthen the course construction of legal English. As it points out: the teaching mode can not just focus on providing law knowledge but should transform from knowledge-providing to language-applying ability.
本文主要从庭审过程中律师、证人、被告所使用的语言策略入手, 分析这些语言策略在庭审过程中所传递的意向含意以及从话语结构形态出发分析这些语言策略是如何影响受话人心理, 从而传递意向含意的。在庭审过程中律师使用的语言策略主要包括“重复型策略”,“含蓄型策略”,“迂回渐进型策略”和“三步描述型策略”等四种类型; 通过分析这些语言策略, 我们发现其传递的意向含意为: 质疑证人证言的可信度和矛盾性, 以期达到使法官和庭审人员明白事实真相的目的。证人所使用的语言策略包括:“修正策略”和“隐晦型策略”两种类型, 目的是为了证明其证言的可信性和可靠性; 而被告使用的语言策略则包括“断裂型策略”,“冗长型策略”,“特异型策略”和“模糊型策略”四种类型;被告使用的这些语言策略所传递的意向含意则是为了增大受话人对其话语理解的难度从而达到隐瞒事实真相的目的。
Intentional implicature is a kind of implied meaning refracted by the form of linguistic expression which conveys the speaker’s communicative intention and aim. It is always employed in the court room conversation. Different participants in the courtroom conversation will employ different language strategies to convey the intentional implicature. The counsel tends to employ four language strategies in an attempt to conceive his intentional implicature, which undermine the reliance and credibility of the testimony, making the judge understand the content of the case clearly and obviously. The witness adopts the language strategies in order to confirm the reliability and credibility of his utterance in the courtroom conversation. And the intentional implicature of the defendant is to increase the hearers’ difficulty in understanding his utterance so that he can conceal the truth and rebut the version of the counsel.
法庭话语是在特定地点, 按照特定的程序和规则, 由具有不同目的的话语参与者主动或被动参加的, 各自为取得一个符合自己目的和利益的结果, 以互相说服为方式而进行的活动。虽说法庭审判过程中的每一句话都是为合议庭和法官所设计的, 合议庭成员和法官才是法庭会话的真正接受者,因而法庭话语不是两个或两个以上说话人之间进行的真正谈话, 它要严格地受法庭这一机构的限制, 其形式上具有一定的结构性。但是,在法律活动中,活动参与人总是根据与其他人之间的关系和活动的环境,即法律修辞环境中,积极地使用恰当的修辞手段,加强参与人话语的效果,以达到各自预期想要获得的目的和利益的结果。由此可见,法律修辞的积极运用必将促使法律语言更有效地为人们在法律生活中的交际服务。本文运用了杜金榜的法律修辞模式,结合相关的庭审语料,首先,从控辩双方以及法官等不同参与人的角度,分析了修辞主体因势利导地发挥社会关系的主导作用的重要性;其次,在综合分析、比较修辞主体、受体、本体和客体四要素的相互关系的基础上,论述了修辞主体依据受体的接受心理和接受能力,结合对修辞客体在本客体之间的联系、法律活动参与人以及社会可能对客体的评价与态度等方面的正确分析,能动地选择最为恰当的修辞本体,充分凸显修辞指向性,以其达到改变受体评价标准的最好修辞效果;最后,通过对语言环境、法律环境以及物质环境等要素的分析,强调了修辞环境对法律修辞各要素的促进和制约作用。
Measuring the Semantic Prosody in Warning Discourse
对于义韵的研究,最早起于Louw (1993)与Sinclair(1991),后来被许多学者研究,如Stubbs(1996),Partington(2004),Hunston(2007)等。现在普遍认为,某些词汇倾向于与体现特定联想意义(如褒义或贬义)的词汇共现,从而在人们的心里激发起一定的感情色彩,这就是词汇的语义韵律;同时,语义韵律并非词汇自身的意义,而是在长期使用过程中由于常与特定语境相联系而具有的附加意义。在讨论说话人态度的时候,评价理论很重视微观与宏观语篇中的态度韵律,认为两者相辅相成,构成更有影响力的语篇。但是,至今为止,评价理论对说话人在什么情况下采用什么样的手段来构建语篇的整体态度韵律尚没有给出充分的阐述。本文拟以警示语中的语义韵律构成为例对此进行理论探讨。
The emergence of the tort dispute cases on the increase due to the insufficient notification of potential dangers in the warning section of product manuals has brought into attention the issue of whether the warnings are textured in a sufficient way as to foretell the potential dangers to the customers and whether they draw desirable attention from customers. Since there have been no explicit and authoritative legal regulations in China on how to draft a warning, this paper attempts to address this problem with a tentative discussion of how semantic prosody can be best construed in a text, which hopefully, will shed some light on the impact of texture in legal discourse on the functions it aims to realize.
The term “semantic prosody’ is first used by Louw (1993) and attributed to Sinclair (1991) who developed this concept later. Ever since then, it has been much researched on by scholars like Stubbs (1996) and Partington (2004). Generally, “when the usage of a word gives an impression of an attitudinal or pragmatic meaning, this is called a semantic prosody” (Sinclair 1999). Meanwhile, it has to be borne in mind that semantic prosody does not remain inherently in the individual word itself but is formed when the word occurs frequently in certain context with certain collocates as its preference. Appraisal Theory gives equal treatment to semantic prosody both at local and global level, stating that the two are complementary and indispensible to each other. However, it fails to explore the specific constraints under which speakers choose particular resources to highlight certain semantic prosody in text. This is what this article is oriented to theoretically.
This paper first generalizes the warnings in product manuals in accordance with the linguistic analysis of warning; then it tries to propose the textual elements which constitute semantic prosody in warning and explore the relationship between them, thus setting up a model tentatively to measure degrees of semantic prosody in waning; finally it conducts an empirical study on the basis of data so as to test the feasibility of the model proposed.
立法表述中特定的语句的翻译规范性研究—— “的”字短语英译策略
立法表述中特定的语句模式定义为:立法表述中,根据通用语言中已有的资源变异和创造出的超越常规使用的句法形式。立法表述特定语句模式的主要表现为六大类:1.“的”字短语;2.但书;3.“或者”句;4.“是”字句 5.“以下”句;6.“对于”句(刘红婴,法律语言学(第二版)页)。本文以笔者亲身经历的法律法规翻译中所遇到的特殊语式及翻译,探讨法律文件中“的”字短语的用法及英译策略。
Statement of defense in China is one of most common legal documents in criminal actions. Normally it is written by the defense attorney prior to the court argumentation, and it is read in court. Though statement of defense has its own features, due to different defense attorneys, different cases and different writing styles of attorneys, different statements of defense may be distinguished in structure and contents. Nevertheless, as a kind of variety, the content and structure of statements of defense basically take on consistency. Generally the statement of defense includes three parts: namely introduction, main body and conclusion. As a kind of legal writing, the statement of defense should follow certain rules in writing and should be normative. However, in practice there are frequently ill-formed examples. This paper tries to deal with the language standard of statements of defense and the due care that should be taken in judicial practice.
Court language has mechanism character and also goes on with a strong purpose. The flow of the speech act reveals information flow of the speakers. As speech act theory is a very important one in linguistics, this paper employs it to sort out the seven types of battled information flow between the participants of a speech, the related three speech strategies and the relationships between the roles of the participants and the bafflement of information flow. Through the analysis, this paper hopes that the parties of court speech will guard their legitimate rights and interests and that the judicial staff will improve the quality of their judicial language.
本文提出,应当从交际和法律两个角度考察法庭口译的本质属性。法庭口译既具有语用交际属性,也具有法律属性,因此法庭口译人员在进行口译实践时不能仅满足于割裂上下文和语境的局部性字面意义传译(semantic translating / interpreting --- local),而应当把法庭提问者和法庭答问者的互动性话语看作是一个依赖和利用上下文及有关情景因素的整体性的语用行为,努力理解并传译其中的整体含义(pragmatic translating / interpreting --- global)。这就要求法庭口译人员平时要加强其英汉双语的语用意识、语用差异意识、整体理解等方面的训练,努力熟悉法庭话语中的行话、套话和套路。法庭口译的法律属性则清楚地说明,法庭口译是维护和保障法律赋予诉讼各方的公民权和法律平等的必要保障,这除了要求法庭口译人员在传译时必须做到公平公正之外,还必须保证传译信息的完整性和准确性,而这两者也要求译者在传译时必须时时关注话语的整体语用意义,采用必要的语用翻译手段。
A Contrastive Study on How Linguistic Conventions Affect the Information Structure and Linguistic Realizations in Legal Discourse
Legal discourse is generally acknowledged as of a typical institutional nature where information processing and linguistic realizations in legal communication and exchanges are conducted in a rule-governed and goal-oriented legal context. In general, the linguistic communication of both English and Chinese legal discourse can be boiled down to the very transmission of information governed by the functioning of some general and specific determining factors. The author holds that the elusiveness of linguistic signs is governed by linguistic conventions, and the linguistic choices for information processing must abide by linguistic conventions so as to better serve communicative purposes of the interlocutors or discourse users.
Linguistic conventions refer to the knowledge of vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, and usage that is shared by the members of a speech community. Both Chinese and English legal discourses have their own lexical features, such as those concerning connectives, diversity of items, repetitions, paraphrases, restatements, and coloring, etc.; syntactically, each has its own conventions of word order, topic-comment relations, structural characteristics; rhetorically, Chinese discourse attaches importance to Qichengzhuanhe or indirectness at the macro-level, and paratactic at the micro-level, as against the English way of being linear or direct at the macro-level, and hypotactic at the micro-level. With the summarized dozens of contrasts in mind, this paper explores how information in legal discourse flows and configures in the two different languages and what effects such contrasts might generate on the information structure and configuration.
‘Does the defendant(plaintiff) have different opinions or not?’: a case for judges’ multiple identities in courtroom trial
中国司法制度正在经历着一场改革。它对纠问式和控辩式两种司法模式的一些优点都有所吸收。然而,它对法官司法实践的具体作用还有待进一步研究。鉴于此,本文提出对当前体制下法官认同的实现及其对司法正义观念的体现进行探讨。本研究主要基于话语心理学理论(Wetherell, 2007),认为法官认同与法官话语实践是一种动态的互构关系。由于司法过程非常复杂,本文只将选取那些由态度检测类问句实现的话语行为。其最典型的表达方式是‘原告(被告)有无异议?’。该研究收集了30场庭审转录材料,共找出183个态度检测类问句,并从宏观、中观和微观三个层面对所有该类话语行为进行分析。研究结果表明,法官的话语实践体现有其多种不同的兴趣和策略考量,构建出其多重的认同。而在其背后,则是多种司法价值理念的动态相互作用。
The judicature in China has been undergoing a reform which tries to incorporate some ‘virtuous’ features of both inquisitorial and adversary systems. However, this reform needs to be further explored in order to understand its implication on judges’ institutional practice. With this concern, this paper aims to address the enactment of judges’ identities within the current institution and relate it to the concept of justice. By drawing on the discursive psychology (Wetherell, 2007), this paper embraces the theoretical assumption that judges’ identities are constituted in and constitutive of their discursive practices. Given the complex scenario of judicial trial, this research chooses to focus on the discursive acts which are grammatically realized as the attitude-checking question. A most typical one goes as ’Does the defendant/plaintiff have different opinions or not?’. A corpus of 30 Chinese civil trial transcriptions is collected and183 tokens of such attitude-checking acts are located. They are analysed from macro, meso and micro discursive view points. The findings of the research show that multiple identities are characterized in their varying interests and stakes as reified in their discursive strategies. Underlying this, some competing judicial philosophies can be discerned.
The Operation of Forensic Text Identification in Criminal Behaviour Analysis
Forensic text identification is a research that based on the analysis of suspicious text data which including suicide note, threatening letter, anonymous letter, the police transcript, suspicious e-mail, court record and the record that reproduced from phonetical material. Its aim is to find out the author of the text, to provide a more scientific and rational report for the court. This paper gives an analysis of the forensic text identification from the linguistics angle, traces back to the traditional use of language analysis techniques in text identification and gives an explanation to the application of type-token-ratio and corpus based technique in current research.Then it discusses the continuous development of text identification technique under the forensic and linguistic circumstance.
The language Technology Of Record Words Transcripts
Record words transcripts made by the justice play an important role in judicial activity, but there are many defects, and impact on the functions seriously in practice. Although there is a certain degree of difficulty in the oral language which fleets with slowly speeding record of the written language , but the short sentence spoken of reflecting which with the changing shape relative slowly, and the written language with more means to support does not have any difficult to realize. Context is an effective tool what we must achieve our goal. Using the context to identify spoken words meaning; To capture the discourse of words with the context ; To forecast the context reflecting the causes and effects of legal facts in mind is the language technology of the production of transcripts made by the justice action.
自然而又连贯地过渡同时每个句子和主题句有着显而易见的连接可以使得段落具有连贯性。但是如果句子之间没有连贯,那么段落就谈不上连贯。不恰当的措辞、不准确的标点符号或是错误的句子结构等问题都会影响读者的理解, 迫使读者停下来琢磨句子的意义。的确, 许多法律文本在句法上存在问题, 这一问题的部分原因是诸多法律文件有着复杂的内容, 而这些复杂内容恰恰就是法律文件的核心内容。为了清楚地写作,为了与诸如法律专家、当事人、同事、法官、证人或陪审团等目标读者进行有效沟通,法律写作必须要注意句法。句子的各个部分之间, 甚至各个词之间做到清楚而又有逻辑的连接。尽管大部分的法律文本都采纳较正式的写作风格, 但是律师仍可使用简短的句子、 易懂的句子来进行写作。本文作者主要分析法律文本中句子层面上的常见错误。
A paragraph has unity and coherence. It has unity when every sentence relates to the topic. It has coherence when there is smooth and logical flow between sentences and a clear and explicit connection between any one sentence and the topic of the paragraph. But coherence on the paragraph level cannot be achieved unless there is coherence on the sentence level as well. Poor diction, punctuation, and sentence construction break a chain of thought by forcing readers to stop to decipher the meaning of a particular sentence. It is surprising but true how many lawyers have sentence level problems, a phenomenon caused in part by the complex ideas that are the core of many legal documents. To write about these complex matters clearly, to communicate effectively with such diverse audience as law professors, clients, colleagues, judges, witnesses and juries, lawyers need to pay special attention to syntax. They must make clear and logical connections between the parts, even the words, of a single sentence. Most legal documents have to follow the conventions of formal writing. But even in formal writing, an attorney can use crisp prose, short sentences, identifiable topic sentences. The paper is, therefore, devoted to explaining how to avoid common sentence level problems.
Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand
Analysis of Spam Origin
Spam is the common term for electronic 'junk mail' – unwanted messages sent to a person's email account. Spam now makes up the majority of email traffic. Billions of unwanted spam messages clog up the internet, disrupt email delivery, reduce productivity and irritate users.
The content of spam messages varies. Some messages promote products or services, while others attempt to trick users into providing bank account or credit card details. Many spam messages contain offensive or fraudulent material, and some spread computer viruses.
More than a few spam are challenging the normal mores of the society for a variety of unspeakable purposes, which is evil or criminal. But most of spam come from all kinds of small medium enterprises who for the sake of efficiency and economy choose packet emails to promote their products or services. In this commercial world it is unimpeachable as long as such mails are accepted only by those who want them. Unfortunately this is hard to abide by for a majority of mail senders even with the detailed regulations as in the rules of Australian Communications and Media Authority. In practice it is impossible for the senders of commercial mails to identify who the real or potential customers are before they are responded.
According to the investigation by the author, commercial junk mail producers often collect email addresses from the yellow pages either by hand or by software. And when their mailing servers are detected and they warned or punished by the law enforcement authority, they just change the spamming venue like China, where no spam laws are available until now. Thus China that has the biggest population who also has the largest internet users and many of them whose main reason to stay online is to keep contact with others for their work has become spam warm bed and eventually the victim of spam.
Further more, as the most of such junk mails are profitable tools, more and more computer programmers are seizing the opportunity to provide more and more effective software of mailing accounts extraction to their buyers for their dirty business. One of such software as far as I know is called Professional Network Information Collector, which is easy to operate, making use of the regular arrangement of website information in html language to crazily dig out every email accounts in monstrous speed and scale.
Short of shield of definite anti-spam acts today in China, the internet users have to increase the self-protection awareness. Though various spam filtering programs are being designed and adopted by the public, however persuasive good is, evil is still stronger. The most efficient way maybe keep guard of the private email accounts and avoid being public or stolen.
中国政法大学 浙江东方职业技术学院
A Report on Legislative Language
Legislative language, conveying the legislative intentions and purposes accurately and reflecting its policies behind, is a type of specialized carrier. Usually, legislative language is more precise, standardized, concise, popular and definite than any general languages. In fact, it’s the most precise, standardized, concise, popular and definite one among all legal languages. However, through the investigation in the actual use of legislative text language of 2007, we found the results quite unexpected: legislative language is lacking in standardization in many cases; meanwhile, many obscure and opaque expressions are frequently quoted and employed. Therefore, legislative language really deserves researchers’ attention and efforts.
广东外语外贸大学Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS)
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS) is one of the most prestigious universities of international studies in China and one of the key institutions of higher learning in Guangdong Province. The university, which has a total area of 2172 mu (1.44 km2), is situated in the city of Guangzhou, a city with a long history and a rich cultural legacy, as well as an economic hub in south China. At present, it has three campuses. The North Campus lies to the north of the Baiyun Hills, and Dalang Campus is not far away. The South Campus lies in Guangzhou University Town (Mega Centre). With an elegant environment featuring green hills, fresh air, and a limpid creek with small bridges across it, the University is an ideal place for study.
The University came into being in June 1995 by merging the then existing Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Languages and Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Trade. The former was established in 1965, then one of the three institutes of foreign languages under the direct jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education. The latter was founded in 1980, at the time one of the four institutions of its kind under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation.
Currently the University offers 46 BA-degree courses in 16 faculties and 3 departments, which fall into seven major disciplines, namely literature, economics, management, law, education, science and engineering. The University has been actively pioneering the flexibility in degree course development in order to meet the needs of rapid social and economic changes. As early as 1981, the University (then Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Languages) won the qualification to confer Master's degrees and later in 1986 it became an institution eligible to award Doctoral degrees. This made it one of the earliest of its kind entitled to do so after the country resumed the enrolment of postgraduate students. Of all the degree courses offered to students, five are named key disciplines at the provincial level and one at the national level, while eight are named provincial noted specialties. GDUFS has two state-designated research centers, one for research in humanities and social sciences and the other for training students of minor languages. In addition, the university has a province-designated research center for the study of foreign literatures and cultures.
Our students come from over 20 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in the country. Only the best candidates have a chance to be admitted to the undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Graduates from GDUFS are expected to be able to take part in international competition with their academic attainment and expertise. They will be advanced specialists in their respective fields on the one hand, and skilled in general qualities on the other hand, good at using the foreign languages they have learned and able to apply information technology. As what students learn at GDUFS is in high demand, our graduates enjoy a higher employment rate than graduates from most other universities.
At present GDUFS has a staff of 962, in which full/associate professors amount to 38%. In addition, we employ 62 experts/lecturers from other countries. Altogether over 20,000 students are studying at the university, of whom about 18,648 are undergraduates and postgraduates, the others being self-taught learners receiving training in preparation for exams, foreign students learning Chinese, and trainees of other categories.
As the name suggests, GDUFS attaches great importance to, and actively conducts, academic and cultural exchanges with overseas institutions. Such exchanges and collaborations are on the increase and cover more and more fields. We have so far established links with over 90 universities, academic institutions and cultural organizations in other countries and regions. They include the United States of America, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Canada, Australia, Japan, Russia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, the Republic of Korea, Chile, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Province.
National Center for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics (CLAL)
广东外语外贸大学是全国最早发展语言学及应用语言学的一所高校。上世纪70年代中,我校以桂诗春教授为首的一批学者在我国创建了语言学与应用语言学这门新兴学科,并先后于1981年和1986年被确立为硕士和博士学位授予点,1988年被批准为国家重点学科,2000年成为国家级人文社科重点研究基地, 2001年顺利通过教育部的审核,是迄今我国外语界在此领域唯一的国家级重点学科。在桂诗春、李筱菊、何自然、黄建华、王初明等学术带头人的带领下,本学科点形成了具有自己特色的研究方向,创建了一支年龄结构合理、学历高、科研能力强的科研队伍。在过去20多年里,他们积极参与一系列国家级和省部级人文社会科学研究项目,在外语学习、心理语言学、语用学、语料库语言学、语言测试及词典编纂等多个领域取得了重要成果,获得多项国家和省部级奖励。
The Centre for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, one of the one hundred Key Research Institutes of Humanities and Social Sciences in Universities in China, was founded under the authorization of the Ministry of Education in September, 2000. In 1988, the programme “Linguistics and Applied Linguistics” of the CLAL was appraised to be the national key discipline. The CLAL currently boasts the one and only national key discipline in the field of linguistics and applied linguistics in China.
The CLAL is currently staffed with 33 researchers, 15 of whom are supervisors of doctoral candidates, 27 are professors, 4 are associate professors and 26 are researchers with doctorate.
The CLAL hosts three well-established research units: the Unit for Psycholinguistics and Language Acquisition, the Unit for Pragmatics and Sociolinguistics, and the Lexicography Unit. The research areas include syntax, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, pragmatics, second language acquisition, lexicography and language testing. While introducing and applying foreign linguistic theories, the CLAL puts more emphasis on the combination of theoretical concepts and educational practice in China, aiming to make a linguistics and applied linguistics contribution home and abroad.
The CLAL has obtained a number of “firsts” in linguistics and applied linguistics research in China. Professor Gui Shichun has written the first books both in psycholinguistics and applied linguistics: Psycholinguistics and Applied Linguistics. Professor Li Xiaoju (editor-in-chief) has co-edited the first CLT-based textbook Communicative English for Chinese Learners. Professor He Ziran has written the first book in pragmatics A Survey of Pragmatics. Professor Qian Guanlian has written the first book of pragmatics in Chinese Culture Pragmatics in Chinese Culture – Speechology in humanistic networks. In addition, some of the professors have been invited to act as members of editorial board for the international journals of linguistics and applied linguistics. Professor He Ziran acts as the reviewer of Journal of Pragmatics. Professor Wang Chuming is the reviewer of Language Learning. Professor Huang Jianhua is appointed as Member of Editorial Board of International Journal of Lexicography。
The CLAL has achieved a lot in teaching and scientific research. In the past two years, the 33 researchers have published 87 academic papers in the Chinese periodicals. They have also written 11 books . The CLAL has been attracting more and more post-graduates and visiting scholars. It now boasts 46 doctoral candidates. Academic lectures and forums are held once every week and some world-famous experts and scholars have been invited to give lectures in the CLAL. The CLAL’s library houses more than 13,000 books specializing in the field of linguistics and applied linguistics, 63 English periodicals and 54 Chinese periodicals.