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张新红 何自然




This article is a tentative discussion of the application of pragmatic theories to translation studies and practice. Following Sperber & Wilson’s (1986) Relevance Theory, we hold that the process of translation is a double ostensive-inferential communication process which essentially involves the author, the translator and the translation reader. Drawing upon the achievements made in the studies of such pragmatics topics as conventional meaning, conversational implicature, linguistic politeness, and deixis, we then propose solving the cultural and pragmatic issues in translation practice in the light of these pragmatics achievements. Based upon these analyses, we propose that the ultimate aim for translation is the pursuit of fidelity but the means for achieving fidelity do not have to be invariable. It is the translator’s accurate assessment and understanding of the target readership’s cognitive and cultural environments and the differences between the source and the target languages that more often than not decides the specific translation strategy and means for achieving translation fidelity.





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