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法律语篇树状信息结构研究——杜金榜  《现代外语》2007年第1期


文本类型与法律文本——张新红 《现代外语》2001第2期


This paper approaches text types and the typological characteristics of legal texts in the perspective of legal translation. The first part of the paper is a general survey of the status quo of the study on legal language and legal translation both in and outside China. The second part is a discussion and review of the two criteria (i.e. subject matter and function/intention) adopted in the categorization of text types and the resulted text types, pointing out the misunderstanding therein in general and that of the function of legal texts in particular. The third part comments on Snell-Hornby’s (1988) text typology which is in close accordance with the functions of the texts under discussion. Part Four, based upon the clarification achieved through the above discussion, first proposes a typology of legal texts according to their primary function and then discusses the typological features of the first type, i.e., texts which are primarily prescriptive. The last part proposes applying the typological analysis to legal translation which is both an interlingual and cross-legal-system operation per se. The typological characteristics of legal texts have become a part of the legal convention, so it is believed that the correct understanding of the typological features of legal texts is not only the basis on which the legal
translator grasps the global intention and/or function of the legal text concerned but also the decisive factor to determine its translation criteria and the translation techniques to be employed in achieving the said criteria. 
Keywords:  text type, legal text, legal translation, function, structure

法庭翻译课程设置初探——杜碧玉 《山东外语教学》2003年第1期

摘要:本文通过对我国有关法律条文的分析 ,并结合我国入世后所应履行的义务 ,指出了当前开设法庭翻译课程的必要性。阐述了法庭译员应具备的技能和素质 ,提出了法庭翻译课程设置的构想。

Abstract: After analyzing China's relevant legislative provisions and its commitments to the WTO, the author conclude that it is a must to provide court-interpreting course. Skills and qualifications required of court interpreters are then discussed,followed by aproposed course design for court interpreting in universities.
Keywords: courtinterpreting;equalaccesstojustice;nationaltreatment;skills;training




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