国际法律语言学家协会(IAFL)现任主席Peter M. Tiersma
题 目:The Role of Language in American Trials
主讲人:Peter M. Tiersma(Professor of Law,Loyola Law School, Los Angeles)
时 间:2007年5月14日(周一) 14:30-16:00
An American trial involves both oral and written language, as well ordinary language (usually by the parties and witnesses) and legal language (by the lawyers and judges). The use of these different varieties of language makes the courtroom a very interesting focus of study. In this presentation I will discuss three major areas in which language plays an important role, or creates issues that need to be resolved, in the context of American criminal trials. We will first examine questioning of witnesses, which involves a heavily controlled series of question-and-answer sequences that is quite unusual for the average witness, who is typically more used to relating events as a narrative. Next we will discuss linguistic strategies used by lawyers to persuade the jury, drawing on examples from the criminal trial of O.J. Simpson. The final topic will be jury instructions, which refers to the process by which the judge, at the end of a trial, explains the law to the jurors. Here the problem is that the law is originally expressed in legal language, and traditionally judges have found it difficult to explain the law to jurors in ordinary language. We will examine California's new jury instructions, which were written in language that jurors can more easily understand. Although it is not easy to translate legal concepts into ordinary language, it is essential to do so if we are to have any confidence in the jury system.
Peter M. Tiersma,洛杉矶 Loyola 法学院(Loyola Law School)法学教授, 国际法律语言学家协会(International Association of Forensic Linguists, IAFL)现任主席。 Tiersma具有扎实的语言学和法学功底,曾以优异成绩毕业于斯坦福大学,后于加州伯克利大学获得法学博士学位,1980年获加州圣地亚哥大学语言学博士学位。个人专著包括Legal Language,Speaking of Crime,Frisian Reference Grammar。与此同时,Tiersma拥有丰富的法律实践经验,曾任《加利福尼亚法学评论》副编辑,加利福尼亚最高法院首席大法官Stanley Mosk大法官的法律书记员,并先后在Pettit & Martin,Postel & Parma等多家律师事务所当过律师。1990年开始在Loyola 法学院任教,主授Bilingualism and the Law, Language and the Law, Remedies, Trusts and Wills 等课程。 此外,Tiersma拥有一个专业的网站LANGUAGEandLAW.org,涵盖语言与法律各方面的研究,例如法律语言,法律文本,法官给予陪审团的指示等。
备注:国际法律语言学家协会(International Association of Forensic Linguists, IAFL)是国际上唯一的实质性的法律语言学学术组织,其会员遍布世界各地,包容了语言学、司法工作、法学等学科和领域的知名学者,相关专业教育和学术研究开展的如火如荼,产生了最为积极的国际影响。