Du Jinbang

Professor of English, PhD in linguistics and applied linguistics, supervisor of PhD students in forensic linguistics and PhD students in Business English Study, and the president of the China Association of Forensic Linguistics, who has published a book “Forensic Linguistics”, articles on forensic linguistics and linguistics, edited a book “Discourse Analysis” and put forward the “tree model of legal discourse information which has been developed into DIT(Discourse Information Theory).
Yuan Chuanyou

Professor of English, PhD in linguistics and applied linguistics. Supervisor of MA students in forensic linguistics. Vice President of the China Association of Forensic Linguistics. Ordinary Member of the International Association of Forensic Linguists. Senior Visiting Researcher of China Scholarship Council to Cardiff University. Publish a book “Avoiding Revictimization: A Study of Police Interrogations” and many journal articles on forensic linguistics.
Zhao Junfeng

Professor of English in the School of Interpreting and Translation Studies in Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. Supervisor of MA students in translation research and forensic linguistics. Engineering Bachelor in Yangtze University. Master of Arts in Wuhan University. MBA in Business School of University of Gloucestershire. PhD in linguistics and applied linguistics in Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. Director of China Association of Forensic Linguistics. Expert member of Translators Association of China. Publish a book “On the Information Structure and Its Linguistic Realizations in Legal Discourse:A Chinese-English Contrastive Discourse Analysis” and many articles on forensic interpretation and translation.
Chen Jinshi

Associate Professor of English, PhD in linguistics and applied linguistics, supervisor of MA students in forensic linguistics, and vice dean of School of English and Education, GDUFS, who has published a book “The Construction of PDJ Relationship: a Frame Analysis of Judges’ Courtroom Discourse Processing”, articles on forensic linguistics and ESP teaching, edited a book “A Textbook of English for Specific Purposes”, and being presiding over the project “Comparative Study on Corpus-based Legal Chinese and Legal English Discourse Information Chunk” (11YJC740008) supported by Ministry of Education of P. R. China.
Xu Youping

Dr. XU Youping is a lecturer of English in School of English for International Business, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS). She obtained her doctoral degree majored in linguistics and applied linguistics in 2011. She is now the Secretary General of the China Association of Forensic Linguistics (CAFL) and a member of the International Association of Forensic Linguists (IAFL). Her publications include a book “Realization of Persuasion in Chinese Court Conciliation: The Discourse Information Approach” (2013) and many articles on forensic linguistics and linguistics. She has undertaken two research projects sponsored by the university and participated in three research projects sponsored by Guangdong Province and one by the Ministry of Education in China.
Li Yuekai

PhD in foreign linguistics and applied linguistics, and the number of the China Association of Forensic Linguistics, who has subedited a book “Forensic Linguistics towards a New Centaury”, and edited a book “Discourse Analysis” and put forward the “sainfo” model (sainfo:speech act-information) and the relevant analytical methods. He takes the courses of linguistics and legal English of undergraduates.
Ge Yunfeng

Lecturer of English of Foreign Languages College of Shandong Normal University, PhD in linguistics and applied linguistics, who graduated from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies in 2013 and has published a book “Solicitation of Desired Information in Courtroom Questioning: A Discourse Information Processing Perspective” and articles on forensic linguistics.